Which quotation best represents the idea of manifest destiny


Answer 1
Answer: that manifest destiny is Americas god given right

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List two or three pairs of contrasts that describe ancient Egypt



  1. Ancient Egypt was based in a desert enviroment, however Egyptians found ways to cultive vast extentions of crops.
  2. Ancient Egypt built big constructions which already can visited nowadays, however they only use basic tools to make it possible.


  1. Ancient Egypt dealt with a very hostile enviroment due to the high temperature and very dry soil not very apt for farming, however Egyptians developed technolgy to get the most of the Nile River to irrigate their crops and thrive.
  2. There are many ancient wonders that we can still visit in Egypt. They are astonishing and even hard to make for modern architechs, however Egyptians made it possible using all the resourses they had which they basically were simple tools such as pulleys, shovels, mechanical elevators and a lot, way a lot of manpower to mine the rocks and transport them to the buliding sites. Pretty a hard project even today.

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b. India
c. Japan
d. China


B. China
They wanted the removal of foreign influence

The court of last resort in each U.S. state is A. often called a supreme court B. an international law court C. the federal district court D. inferior to a trial court


A. a supreme court.
The supreme court is the highest court there is. The supreme court is made up of 9 judges which decide on the verdict together. If the majority decides on a verdict, then that verdict will be taken.
When you get tried in a court, you can choose to take the case to a higher court after the trial if there's evidence that was ignored, if new evidence comes to light, or in other rare circumstances. The highest you can go is the supreme court, and once you're tried there and the court comes to a decision, you're done and can't be tried again for whatever crime you were accused.

Final answer:

The court of last resort in each U.S. state is often called a supreme court, which is the highest legal authority in a state. Such courts are not connected to international law courts, federal district courts, or trial courts. The correct option is A.


The court of last resort in each U.S. state is often called a supreme court. This court is the highest legal authority in the state and its decisions are typically final, unless a federal issue is involved which might elevate the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. The state supreme court has the last word on matters of state law and constitution.

An International law court, such as the International Court of Justice, deals with cases between nations, not individual states within a country. The federal district court is the general trial court in the federal system. It is not specific to any U.S. state and it's not the court of last resort.

Similarly, trial courts are where cases start. Trial courts are not the 'last resort' in either the state or federal systems, as their decisions can be appealed to higher courts. The correct option is A.

Learn more about Supreme Court here:



What fledgling technology was ignored prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor? r Why was it ignored?


The fledging technology that was ignored prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor is the radar that was caught by the Japanese quadron flying in and this was a warning given by the operator but it was ignored because they thought the operator was tracking an American bomber.

. The invasion of what country started the Gulf War?A. Kuwait
B. Iran
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Iraq



A. Kuwait


-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait in early August 1990. Alarmed by these actions, fellow Arab powers such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt called on the United States and other Western nations to intervene.

-Hussein defied United Nations Security Council demands to withdraw from Kuwait by mid-January 1991, and the Persian Gulf War began with a massive U.S.-led air offensive known as Operation Desert Storm.

The answer is kuwait. Which is A. Kuwait was invaded by Iraq. The invasion was ordered by the Iraqi leader, Sadaam Husein. Hope i helped. Have a nice day.

What statement best describes U.S. foreign policy during the Monroe administration?


The united states sought to expand its border into Spanish territories