what was the changing role of tourism in Florida's development and growth (1890–1930), and the land boom and bust (1920–1930)


Answer 1
Answer: During the 1920s, women everywhere experienced extreme changes in standards: urban fashions emerged, public drinking and sexual conversation was engaged, attitudes toward marriage changed, and new jobs became available. Many women took advantage of these new freedoms and became flappers, however not all women shared the same view on the matter. Traditionalists in churches and schools protested the new casual dances and women’s acceptance of smoking or drinking, and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union was the group who pushed the hardest for Prohibition. Also in the 1920s, a large number of immigrant families began sending their children to school, increasing the number of literate Americans; however, these immigrants were highly discriminated against, getting paid less to work more than the average American and being forced to live in smaller, more dangerous communities than whites. Black Americans began voicing their pride in what was known as the Harlem Renaissance, revealing the richness of African American culture, however lynching still was not outlawed in the US and segregation separated white and black Americans in public.

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The effect it had on the country of the united states was that they were finally free and they were joyful. HOPE THIS HELPED!

Which trend in Romanticism aided by political revolutions featured a preoccupation with distant lands and cultures?


The correct answer would be : Nationalism

Nationalism is a form dignified love towards one's nation or country, which make that person willing to do anything necessary in order to bring Glories to their own country, including preoccupation with distant Lands and also their cultures

It's actually Exoticism, not Nationalism.

Nationalism is the love for one's country, but Exoticism is the love for things that are exotic, or the preoccupation with distant lands and cultures.

How did the Alien and Sedition Acts divide American Political parties ?a. Democratic Republicans supported the acts. Federalist opposed them.
b. Federalist supported the acts. Democratic Republicans opposed them.
c. Democratic Republicans supported the Sedition Act, but not the Alien Act.
d. Federalist supported the Alien Act, but not the Sedition Act.


The main way in which the Alien and Sedition Acts divided American Political parties was that "b. Federalist supported the acts. Democratic Republicans opposed them" but there were exceptions. 

The correct answer is b. Federalist supported the acts. Democratic-Republicans opposed them.

The Alien and Sedition Acts were a series of bills that were passed by the Federalist majority in the Congress between June and July of 1798.

This laws increased residency requirements, permitted the government to arrest and deport all male citizens of an enemy nation, allowed the president to deport any non-citizen suspected of plotting against the government, and also aimed at those who spoke out against Adams or the Federalist government.

Republican minority was strongly against the bills, they argued that those acts violated the first amendment.

In which region of the African continent is the Great Rift Valley located? a. East Africa
b. North Africa
c. Southern Africa
d. West Africa


a. East Africa
it is near the horn of Africa.
East Africa is the continent where the great rift vally is located

What were the social, economic, and political changes that most contributed to the rise of Florence and the ideas of Machiavelli? In 150 words


Yet most successful states of time were not in Italy but the New Monarchies

During the Renaissance (1300 to 1600), Western Europe emerged from the Middle Ages:Renaissance means “rebirth” Revival in Greek & Roman ideas New ideas in art, government, & human potential; Trade; Cities The Renaissance marked the beginning of the “modern era”