Plants grow taller as a result of which of the following? Adaptative growth Primary growth Secondary growth


Answer 1
Answer: the correct answer is primary growth

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Hi, Sulikjon!
The main purpose it to lower the freezing point of water, and we use salt for this. 
I hope this helps;)
Icy sidewalks and roadways can lead to disasters. Wintertime slick surfaces can cause a variety of problems, from a simple slip to a major car accident. To prevent property damage, injury or death, it's important for surfaces to be de-iced. This is usually done by distributing sand, chemical de-icers or salt over the ice. Of these three, salt is the most common.

Hope this helps.

What is a monosaccarhide?


Any class of sugars

The Doppler effect suggests that sound waves are relative to the observer. You know if an object is coming or going from the sound it makes. Light waves follow the Doppler effect also. However, instead of sound changing, you know if an object is coming or going _____.


from the brightness of the light of course. If the brightness is increasing it means the the light source is approaching and if the brightness is decreasing it means the light source is leaving.


The light waves also follow the Doppler effect. However, instead of changing the sound, you know whether an object is coming or going through the brightness of the light.


The doppler effect is a physical phenomenon. This phenomenon allows us to perceive if an object is approaching or moving away through the wave effect that that object produces in relation to an observer. This is because when a wave is propagated the speed of that wave depends on the environment in which it is being emitted. For this reason, the speed of this wave will be constant even if the observer moves, but the frequency and movement of this wave varies in relation to the observer's position. In this case, the Doppler effect suggests that the sound waves are relative to the observer. You know if an object is coming in or out of the sound it produces. The light waves also follow the Doppler effect. However, instead of changing the sound, you know whether an object is coming or going through the brightness of the light.

What type of bond is shown below, where electrons are shared between the bonded atoms?A: covalent bond
B: ionic bond
C: hydrogen bond
D: is crossed out


A. Covalent bond means sharing of electrons between both non metal molecules

All organisms need energy to perform different functions, and the energy needed is typically obtained through ATP. Which bond in ATP must be broken in order to release energy during cellular respiration?


ATP usually releases energy by breaking down the weak phosphate cell present.  The energy released due to the breaking down of the phosphate cell is then utilized. The ATP is converted to ADP. Whenever a cell feels the necessity for energy it releases a phosphate to gather the energy. It is an automatic and ongoing process. The weak bond between the second and the third phosphate is always targeted for turning ATP to ADP. This is the reason ATP is considered the main energy currency for the cell. 


ATP is the energy currency of the cell. The synthesis of ATP occurs during cellular respiration in the cell. This energy is used by cells to perform the different metabolic functions of the cell.  

The energy is stored in the terminal phosphoanhydride bonds. This bond is called a high energy bond and when this bond is broken down then this high energy is released in the environment and is used to perform the important functions of cells. After the breakage of the bond, ATP converts into ADP.

Which of the following correctly illustrates a dipeptide and an amino acid in the optimal position to form a tripeptide? ​


The options in the question are shown in the image attached to this answer




A peptide bond is formed between a carboxylic acid and an amine group. These two functional groups must be in the correct orientation before they can react to form the peptide bond.

If we study the images closely, only the amine group and carboxylic acid in option A are correctly positioned for reaction to take place leading to the formation of a third peptide bond.

Amino acids connect by peptidic bonds to form the linear structuresof proteins. In the peptidic bond, the amino group joins the carboxylic group, and a water molecule is released. Among the options, A is the correct one.


Amino acids are organic molecules.

They are composed of a central carbon, one hydrogen atom, one carboxyl group (COOH), one amine group (NH₂), and one R group. The composition of the R group is what makes them different from each other.

Proteins are amino acid polymers linearly arranged and connected by peptidic bonds.

The number of amino acids composing the chain and their order determines the primary structure of the protein.

The protein is synthesized from the amino terminus to the carboxy terminus.

The peptidic bond is the union of two amino acids by their carboxyl and amine groups.

When they get together, a water molecule is released, producing a covalent bond ⇒CO-NH.

Peptidic bonds only form linear structures, with no ramifications, known as peptides.

In this way, every peptide has a free carboxylic group in one extreme and a free amine group in the other extreme.


Among the given options, the correct position of the dipeptide and the amino acid to form a tripeptide is option A.

  • By looking carefully at the position of the molecules, we can see that this is the only option in which a carboxylic group and an amine group are facing.

  • This orientation is the only one possible for the peptidic bond to form.

  • COOH and NH₂ must get together, releasing a water molecule, and creating the covalent bond CO-NH.


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