A sovereign state is one that is A-independent. B-wealthy. C-democratic. D-constitutional.


Answer 1

A is the correct answer

Answer 2

Final answer:

The term 'sovereign state' refers to a state that is independent, meaning it has absolute power within its territory without external interference. Wealth, democracy, and constitutionalism can be features of a sovereign state but they are not defining factors.


A sovereign state is most accurately described as one that is independent. This means it has the supreme and absolute power within its territory, which includes the ability to govern without interference from outside bodies. This definition doesn't include factors like being wealthy, democratic, or constitutional.

These are characteristics that could apply to a sovereign state, but they are not prerequisites. For example, a sovereign state could have a different system of government like a monarchy, dictatorship, or theocracy, and it could be a developing country with limited resources.

Learn more about Sovereign State here:



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The Roman contribution to the political theory which was adopted by the Founding Fathers was representative government. The answer to your question is C. I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.

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C. the way in which population would be counted in each state.
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answer is by being told in the past tense

if the broadcast was not just spoken in English sop that other races would understand like have a Sentance of it in English and a Sentance of it in German,Russian,Swedish,Jappinese would make it so that everyone would of under stood the broadcast thats would your best answer 

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Oil would be number 1 Hope i helped :)


The answer is oil~


I did the test and this was the correct answer

What changes did the invention of the radio bring to Americans?


Radio gave the world a new form of mass communication. People now had something to which they can get updated information when they need it. Important news updates are provided through this new device. Even today when there new forms of electronic devices such as television, cable and the internet, radio still stands out as one of the most important forms of mass communication that people draw on for data.

Radio created a national culture, a quicker means to communicate, and created a new industry.

The radio was invented in the late 1800's but was mass produced for the home following World War I. Many Americans purchased their first radio in the 1920's.

The radio provided a wireless means to communicate through radio signals. This allowed for news, information, advertising, and entertainment to be broadcast through the country quickly and with a uniform message. Communicating quickly meant the US could deliver consistent messages to the American people in a matter of a day instead of days or weeks as with print communication.

To carry this communication, broadcasting companies were created to deliver news, sports, and entertainment. Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) was created first as a radio company. These new companies were a new industry which would take the techniques of print media and make it quicker and more engaging to the audience.

The American culture grew out of the radio with a national message on sports and entertainment shows. Sports stars became national legends such as Babe Ruth, Joe Lewis, and Jack Dempsey. Many popular tv shows began as a weekly radio program such as Gunsmoke, the Lone Ranger, and Guiding Light. Advertising on the radio also contributed to the creation of a national culture convincing listeners to buy certain products or engage in trends.