The most likely reason(s) Dante put sub-humans and beasts, such as Charon and Minos, in control of sinners in the afterlife is because ___________. A) the Catholic Church taught it.

B) most people would find it terrifying if such subhuman beasts were in control of the fates of human souls.

C) his primary aim was to entertain his readers, who would have been familiar with these figures from Greek mythology.

D) if beasts are in charge of assigning places in hell, then there is little point in trying to rationalize or bargain with them.


Answer 1
Answer: b i think..... i hope this helped

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Hey there! 

Appeals to logos were common in colonial era rhetoric because so may people believed in Rationalism. This was a philosophical movement in the 17th century. 

Thank you!

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I'm pretty sure its D.

The speaker realizes that God watches from a great distance.

He may be fearful or afraid of God based on that word alone. He probably has much praise and views himself lower than God.

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Advantages that can be gained from auditory learning include
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Disadvantages include
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Auditory learners excel in interactive approaches to learning that involve storytelling, role-playing and dialogue. This style of learning also facilitates passive learning activities, such as listening to a lecture while driving or exercising. The challenges that are experienced by auditory learners include processing large amounts of detailed written information or instructions. Greater sensitivity to sound also exists forauditory learners, sometimes making it difficult to concentrate in noisy environments.

Hope I helped ya! :)

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I'm guessing it is probably because she drinks it so fast that she doesn't give it a chance to poison her body. He drinks so slowly so he gives it a chance to go throughout his body and kill him. That's my best guess, because I am no genius.
OK, so there are various reasons for this. One reason could be she took something that could counteract the poison. If she did, and drank it quickly, it would not have affected her. Her immune system also could have supported her for the little bit of time that the poison was within her.

3. "The Charge of the Light Brigade" and "The Battle of Blenheim" are alike in that (Points : 3) both deal with a day of battle. both avoid regular meter and rhyme. both were written by Romantic poets. both treat the horrors of war ironically. i also have about 7 more question if some one is nice enough to answer them :D....


"The Charge of the Light Brigade" and "The Battle of Blenheim" are alike mostly in that they "both were written by Romantic poets" but it should be noted that there are major differences as well.