Which term correctly identifies the underlined words in the sentence? Having shopped for hours and purchased several items, the family was ready to go home.

infinitive phrase



participial phrase


Answer 1
Answer: The answer you are looking for is B, participle.

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What are the answers to marie curie speech: the discovery of radium


Marie Curie discovered two elements, the Radium and the Polonium. In her speech, she said that radium is no more a baby. It is already twenty years of existence but the somewhat, the discovery is peculiar. It is always of interest to remember them and to explain them.

Final answer:

Marie Curie discovered radium and polonium, contributing to the understanding of radioactivity. She and Pierre isolated radium from tons of uranium-rich pitchblende. As a result of her work, she was awarded Nobel prizes in both Physics and Chemistry.


Marie Curie, in her discovery of radium, made magnificent contributions to the field of physics and chemistry. Her discovery of radium and polonium was instrumental in establishing the field of radioactivity. Radium was isolated by Marie Curie and her husband Pierre through a tedious process of separating it from tons of pitchblende, a uranium-rich mineral. It was found to be several million times more radioactive than uranium.

The importance of this discovery lies in the extensive use and applications of radium in different fields. For instance, radium-diped paint was used in past times to let devices glow in the dark. Marie Curie was later jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in the year 1903, along with her husband Pierre and Henri Becquerel, for their work related to radiation phenomena.

Marie Curie became the only person in history to receive Nobel prizes in two different scientific fields when she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911 for her discovery of the new elements, radium and polonium. Her efforts significantly advanced our understanding of the atomic structure and radioactivity, paving the way for further studies in the field of nuclear physics.

Learn more about Marie Curie's discovery of radium here:



Does this make sense " Tyray is writhing with anger"


Yes the sentance is gramstically correct

yes it is a really good sentence and it expresses the characters emotion

"that pile of dirty laundry is a science experiment and mother complained is a science experiment"this metopor or simile also what is the meaning


A simile can be found when using "like" or "as" between two things. Example: I'm as happy as a clown.

Your question would be a metaphor. Both things are being compared to a science expieriment, probably meaning that they need to have an outcome, but it isn't known for sure if it will be a good or bad outcome.

Things like this can be taken many ways, so if you think something else, I'm sure it would work as well.

What is thr proper nonun in the sentence My horse's name is oatmeal


The proper noun is Oatmeal. :)

An almanac contians________.


Every day of the year, distributed for months.

An almanac is a record or catalog that includes all the days of the year, distruibuidos by months, with astronomical data, as ortos and sunsets of the Sun, its entry in each sign of the Zodiac, beginning of the seasons, phases of the Moon, etc. , and with many other news related to religious and civil events, mainly saints and festivities. The word almanac comes from the Arabic المناخ al-manākh, "the climate", reflecting its original purpose used for agriculture where it provided information on seasons and weather.

An almanac is a listing of a set of events upcoming within the next year.

When are the eng of grade scores scores going to come out


anytime. it can come anytime we basically want, just doin this to earn points.