Fill in the blank with the correct direct object pronoun, based on the word in parentheses, that best complete this sentence: Marcos y yo _______ servimos. (pollo)


Answer 1
Answer: i think that is Marcos y yo nos servimos pollo

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b. ella oye música. you select: b a b a b


I don't know what the question is but I believe you are asking which one you see and which one you hear.
you see is - Ella sale a bailar 
you hear is - Ella oye musica

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the answer is d because when you talk about yourself in spanish it ends with “o”
The correct answer is c because you are talking about your brother and you, so is referring “us”with the letter c
The translation is “ My brother and I play the guitar.”

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A) compre 
B) is you
C) is I
D) is us
Answer is A


The answer is A. Compre

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If you don't know how to speak the language have someone you know that knows tha language go with you because you will not know what to do and you will be stuck.

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Señora Vila: Sí, Sara, tú 4. ________ un cuaderno y unos lápices.

1. necesito 2. necesito 3. necesitas 4. necesita
1. necesitas 2. necesito 3. necesito 4. necesitas
1. necesitas 2. necesita 3. necesita 4. necesito
1. necesita 2. necesitas 3. necesito 4. necesito



