The usual units of density are :
cm3/ g


Answer 1
Answer: The usual units of density are g/cm.

You may have also seen g/mL used for density. Keep in mind that 1 cm = 1 mL.
Answer 2


To answer directly its g/cm with the little three on top.


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Answer: 1,88×10²³ atoms of Br in 25g of Br


25g Br

1 mol of Br =79,9g Br

Number of Avogadro: 6,022×10²³ = 1 mol

25gBr× 1molBr/79,9gBr =

6,022×10²³ atoms of Br/1 mol Br =

1,88×10²³ atoms of Bromine

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Here's your asnwer.



posible mente es una equivocacion porque dijo que estaban refriados y les dió una medicina para la tos

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First you find the RFM (Relative Formula Mass) of Fe2O3
Fe2 = 56 x 2
= 112
O3 = 16 x 3
= 48

112 + 48 = 160

Moles = mass/RFM
           = 79.2/160

Then you rearrange the formula
Mass= moles x RFM
        = 0.495 x 112
        = 55.44 g
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The atomic mass of titanium is 47.88 atomic mass units. This atomic mass represents the - explain please!


Okay, let's get this organized. 

Holds the Protons and Neutrons


Protons ⇒ Positive particle
Electrons ⇒ Negative charged particles 
Neutrons ⇒ No charge

Atomic number → Number of protons in the nucleus
Atomic mass → Protons + neutrons 

Answer: The atomic mass of titanium is 47.88 atomic mass units. This atomic mass represents the number of protons plus neutrons in the atom's nucleus. 

Suppose a 1.30 g nugget of pure gold has zero net charge. What would be its net charge after it has 1.68% of its electrons removed?



The net charge of 1.3 g nugget of pure gold after 1.68% of its electrons are removed is 559 C


When an atom gains electrons it becomes negatively charged. Conversely, when it looses electrons the atoms becomes positively charged thus

To solve this question, we rely on the relationship between the nmber of particles present in a given mass of an atom, Avogadro's number and number of moles, n

The given variables are

mass of pure gold nugget = 1.30 g

Quantity of electrons removed = 1.68% of electrons present in the gold sample

Molar mass of gold = 197 g/mol

Avogadro's number = 6.02 × 10²³ atoms/mole  

qc = one electron charge = -1.06 × 10⁻¹⁹ C/electron

Electrical charge of gold nugget = 0 C

Number of electrons in one gold atom = 79 electrons

Solving for the number of prticles or gold atoms in 1.3 grams of gold we get

n mass/(molar mass) = 1.3/197 moles of gold =  0.0066 moles

number of particles in 0.0066 moles of gold N = n×N_(A) = 0.0066 × 6.02 × 10²³  = 3.97 × 10²¹ atoms

since 79 electrons are present per particle we have

3.97 × 10²¹ × 79 = 3.14 × 10²³ electrons

quantity of elecrtrons removed = 1.68% of  3.14 × 10²³ electrons =1.68/100 × 3.14 × 10²³ electrons = 0.0168 × 3.14 × 10²³ electrons = 5.3 × 10²¹ electrons

The net charge of 5.3 × 10²¹ electrons = 5.3 × 10²¹ electrons × -1.06 × 10⁻¹⁹ C/electron =

5.59 × 10² C = 559 C