Please help with biology!
Please help with biology! - 1


Answer 1
Answer: I believe the answer is A.

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Tommy and John are trying to move a large table.  John pushes with a force of 1150N and Tommyhelps him by pushing on the same side of the table with a force of 800N.  Sketch the individual forces exerted on thetable and then calculate and show the net force exerted on the table.



Net force = 1150 + 800 = 1950 N


The diagram above illustrate the force applied to the large table by Tommy and John.  The force are exerted in the same direction . The first arrow represent the force applied by John which was 1150 Newton and the second arrow represent the force exerted by Tommy which was 800 newton.  There was no opposing force indicated like gravity from the question so no need to sketch that.

The forces were applied in the same direction, therefore, the Net force can be computed by adding their individual forces .

Net force = 1150 + 800 = 1950 N

First draw a table of sorts. Draw 2 arrows pointing in the same direction towards the table, labeling one as 1150N and one as 800N. Now, since both forces are exerted in the same direction, we can add the forces. So, 1150N + 800N, which is 1950N. There’s no weight and it doesn’t look like gravity is involved. If gravity is involved, just draw an arrow pointed down at the middle of the table, and a normal force pointed up towards the middle of the table. Hope this helps

How does semi-conservative replication help prevent mutations during DNA replications?


DNA replication is the process by which two DNA molecules are produced from one parent DNA molecule. DNA replication is semi conservative, this implies that, each strand in the double helix DNA molecule act as a template for the synthesis of a new, complimentary DNA strand. Because semi conservative method has a DNA template that is already accurately formed, the probability of having errors in the newly formed strand is drastically reduced.

Semi-conservative replication is a process of DNA replication in which each new DNA molecule formed contains one original strand (parental strand) and one newly synthesized complementary strand.

This type of replication occurs during the cell division cycle, ensuring that the genetic information is faithfully copied and passed on to the daughter cells without introducing significant mutations.

By combining accurate base pairing, proofreading, and repair mechanisms, semi-conservative replication ensures that the newly synthesized DNA strands are as identical as possible to the original parental strands. This fidelity in replication is vital for preserving the genetic information and preventing mutations that could lead to genetic disorders, cancer, or other harmful consequences in the offspring cells.

Try to know more about replication :


Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. The force of gravity keeps all of the planets in orbit around the sun. What does the force of gravity depend on?




In depends on two things:

1. The masses of the objects

2. The distance of the objects between them


  • The greater the distance, the smaller the force of gravity.
  • The smaller the distance, the greater the force of gravity.
  • The greater the masses of the objects, the greater the force of gravity.
  • The smaller the masses the smaller the force of gravity.

What are 15 typical items in a natural disaster kit


first aid kit
whistle to signal for help
dust mask to help filter air
Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
wrench to turn off utilities
can opener
phone with charger

Which type of cloud indicates a drizzle or rain?A. cirrus
B. stratus
C. cumulus
D. none of these clouds


B. Stratus 
Nimbus clouds are the ones that bring rain. They are called nimbus, because "Nimbus" comes from the latin word for rain "imber"
But Cumulonimbus or nimbostratus clouds are possible. 
Most stratus become nimbostratus, or rain clouds
i believe the answer is b stratus 

What biome does new york state belong too?


i would say plains or desert