Finish the Sentence: Whopper Whopper double whopper...


Answer 1


Answer 2

Answer: Actually it's whopper whopper whopper whopper junior double triple whopper flame-grilled taste with perfect toppers I rule this day

lettuce mayo pickle ketchup it's ok if I don't want that

impossible or bacon whopper any whopper my way

you rule you're seizin' the day

at BK have it your way (you rule)


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The German imperfect tense is used:

To describe actions in the past which the speaker feels have no link with the present.

Er kam zu spät, um teilnehmen zu können. -> He arrived too late to take part.

To describe what things were like and how people felt in the past.

Ich war ganz traurig, als sie wegging. -> I was very sad when she left.

Damals gab es ein großes Problem mit Drogen. -> There was a big problem with drugs at that time.

To say what used to happen or what you used to do regularly in the past.

Wir machten jeden Tag einen Spaziergang. -> We used to go for a walk every day.

Samstags spielte ich Tennis. -> I used to play tennis on Saturdays.

Note that if you want to talk about an event or action that took place and was completed in the past, you normally use the perfect tense in German conversation. The imperfect tense is normally used in written German.

Was hast du heute gemacht? -> What have you done today?

When using seit or seitdem to describe something that had happened or had been true at a point in the past, the imperfect is used in German, where in English a verb form with had is used.

Sie war seit ihrer Heirat als Lehrerin beschäftigt.-> She had been working as a teacher since her marriage.



Um eine vergangene Handlung oder einen unvollständigen Zustand zu beschreiben, verwenden wir ein Imperfekt. Diese Zeitform weist auf eine Handlung hin, die über einen längeren Zeitraum stattgefunden hat oder häufig vorgekommen ist. Es wird mit 'was/were' + '-ing' oder 'used to' ins Englische übersetzt.


What does "arbeit macht frei" means


It means "Work makes you free".


"Work sets you free"


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Ein Aufrad mit den titel:ich bin jugendliche Mein leben zwischen Familie und Freunde 7Reihen


A Aufrad with the caption: I 'm youth my life between family and friends 7 series

*Hope that helps and enjoy Brainly :)*
This is what google translate said A Aufrad with the caption: I'm youth my life between family and friends 7 series

Please help me with german


Tom: 4 3 0 27 11

Peter: 55 9 21 94

Frau Schulz: 76 60 8

Eva: 319 35 18

This is asking for their phone number
Tom: 4-3-0-27-11
Peter: 55-9-21-94
Eva: 319-35-18

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This is in the wrong section, but each mineral are different because they are made up of atoms and atoms are different from each other. Their differences come from the variability of atoms. 

No atom is alike one another because they have different numbers (protons). Hydrogen is 1, Helium is 2, etc. etc. you get it. Every atom has a different chemical composition, therefore altering a mineral's physical appearance, and other characteristics.