Kristen cut her hand on a piece of glass. As the blood clots, how do white blood cells prevent bacteria on the glass from infecting her blood.


Answer 1
Answer: They destroy pathogens that enter the wound. This obliteration of any pathogens is called phagocytosis. A white platelet ingesting infection creating microorganisms. White platelets can: ingest pathogens and devastate them. deliver antibodies to demolish specific pathogens.
Answer 2
Answer: White blood cells prevents from infection. They aggregate at the site of the cut, forming pus. Netrophils, a type of white blood cells act by englufing the pathogens, and destroying them. Monosytes WBCs ingests the damaged cells, thereby preventing their chances of being infected.

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The answer is C.  Gorillas are more closely related because they are apart of the Great Ape family which includes Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Humans, and Orangotangs
C is the answer gorillanclosest to us fruit fly isn't even mammal

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4) A different set from the parent's chromosomes since meiosis forms gametes, the recombination will create a new set of chromosomes.

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Carbon is an organic element in all the elements in the Periodic Table. Hence, every organism in the earth has found to have at least this simple element in them however in various forms and molecular structures. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and others. 


fossil fules


to determine the growth rate of a population, the number of births and deaths are factor in the equation. what other factors are put into the growth rate equation?



The time that passes from one point to another


The growth rate equation is measure with the inital population, the population that increases (births) or decreases (deaths) in a certain time

P = Po x e(rt)

Where P = Total population over a certain time

Po = Starting population

e = Euler number ( 2.7128)

r= % growth rate

t= time in hours or years

Immigration into a population is also another factor that contributes to the growth rate of a population

In which ways does the body respond when its temperature is too high?


Vasodilation , when your body is to hot. Blood capillaries dilate and increase their diameter. More blood flows near the body surface. Excess heat in the body is lost through the conduction and radiation to the environment. Your arm hair also rises. 

The body can respond by :nose bleeds heat flashes passing out sweating.