This isn't a school related question but my german shepard just at a small amount of chocolate that was mixed in with peanut butter and oats what should i do?


Answer 1
Answer: About how much chocolate was there?
Answer 2
Answer: if it was just a small tiny bit then it should be okay but any more than the size of an Oreo I would take it to a vet or call a animal poison control

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What might be some of the economic and environmental tradeoffs of producing clothes from human-made polymers, such as nylon, and polyester versus natural polymers, such as cotton?


The price of cotton is very high, because it is a natural fiber that must be cultivated and then harvested in certain months of the year, which in itself is a disadvantage because it interrupts the continued production of textile merchandise.

The above generates a very strong economic impact, in addition the environmental impacts are what most concern since to keep this crop in good condition, the use of pesticides, fertilizers and other minerals is constantly used that greatly pollute rivers and lakes, affecting Biodiversity. Cotton is the largest consumer of water among agricultural products, which also generates a great depletion of this valuable water resource.

For the above reasons, the use of artificial polymers emerged as a more economical and environmentally friendly alternative, since sports garments are cheaper and more resistant, they can also be kept longer, they are also more resistant to wrinkles, moths and mold.

You can find more information in this link:


Synthetic clothes are economically less expensive and lightweight compared to common traditional clothes; however, they pose difficulties for recycling


Polymers are compounds made of long repeating molecules, which can be classified according to their origin into natural and synthetic. Synthetic polymers include, among others, nylon (household products), polyvinyl chloride, also known as PVC (clothing), polypropylene (packaging), etc. As compared to traditional clothes made up of cotton, synthetic clothes offer significant advantages related to production costs, i.e., they can be produced in high-scale processes, and automated production is less expensive than traditional processes. However, synthetic polymers consist of long repeat chains of molecules that have very strong atomic bonds, which make difficult their degradation by decomposers (i.e., non-biodegradable in nature). The process of degradation of synthetic clothes can take up many years to break down these compounds. In addition, synthetic clothes are also pollutants because they are lost in the water when they are laundered, remaining for many years in water ecosystems.

This hormone stimulates cell division.


Here is something that I found: Gibberellins stimulate cell division and elongation but act more slowly than auxins.Cytokinins stimulate mitosis in actively developing plant parts. Ethylene speeds ripening. Abscisic acid inhibits the growth-inducing effects of other hormones. Hope this helped ☻

. Alpha Particles a. What is the mass number of an alpha particle? b. What is the identity of an alpha particle? c. What kind of charge does an alpha particle have?



Alpha particles are usually produced by alpha decay which consisted of two protons and two neutrons.

They are identical to the nucleus of helium-4.

The alpha particle is represented as α or α²⁺. In addition, as it is identical to nucleus of helium, it is also represented as He²⁺.

As it only posses two protons and two neutrons but no electrons, the overall charge of alpha particle is +2.

The mass number of an element refers to the total number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus. Hence, the mass number of alpha particle would be 4

hope it helps you 
an alpha particle is basically a helium it contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons. So atomic mass number is 4..I.e. 2 protons + 2 neutrons

Which endocrine system gland produces two hormones that affect metabolism?



Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions that occur within an organism to maintain life. These processes include various biochemical reactions that break down nutrients from the food we consume and convert them into energy, as well as the processes that build and repair tissues, store energy, and eliminate waste products.

Thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is the endocrine system gland that produces two hormones that significantly affect metabolism. These hormones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones play a crucial role in regulating the body's metabolism, which includes processes like energy production, temperature regulation, and the maintenance of healthy body weight. An imbalance in these thyroid hormones can lead to metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Which of these statements about Buddhism is true?A. Buddhists taught the virtues of the eightfold path.
B. Gautama, founder of Buddhism, was a common fisherman.
C. Buddhism remains a dominant religion in present-day India.
D. In India, Buddhists accepted the Hindu caste system


The answer is A. Buddhism discloses a reason to life, it clarifies obvious foul play and disparity around the globe, and it gives a code of practice or lifestyle that prompts genuine satisfaction. The main justifiable reason is Buddhism has answers to a significant number of the issues in present day materialistic social orders.
The correct answer is A. Buddgists taught the virtues of the eightfold path. This eightfold path refers to the following: correct view, correct intention, correct speech, correct action, correct livelihood, correct effort, correct mindfulness, and correct concentration. B is incorrect because he wasn't a fisherman, but rather a monk. C is incorrect because Hindu is the most dominant religion in India. D is incorrect because there is no caste system in Buddhism.

How do osteoblasts produce bone matrix


Osteocytes have important functions in the skeleton. Bone is a dynamic tissue that is constantly being reshaped by osteoblasts, which produce and secrete matrix proteins and transport mineral into the matrix, and osteoclasts, which break down the tissue.