What are the important features of play


Answer 1

Not including a great cast and props, the important structural features are as followed.
1. The opening or introduction

2. The rising actions

3. The climax

4. The falling actions

5. The conclusion

These features are similar to that of a fiction novel and are vital to a thriller.

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Frankenstein question (Refer to attached picture)

On whose behalf did Weisel accept the Nobel Peace Prize


Elie Wiesel accepted the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the people who lived through the the Nazi's genocidic rampage (Holocaust).

Which of the following can be used to discover an author's purpose?I. details in the story
II. historical context
III. publisher's life history

I, ll, and lll
I and ll only
I and III only
I only





 II only where I is details in the story and II is historical context. These can be used to discover an author's purpose. And the publisher's life history has nothing to do with the story, it tells only about the life history of the author.


B) I and II only


Edge 2023

Which of the following is a theme from Macbeth? a. Those without convictions are easily manipulated.
b. The visible is more dangerous than the invisible.
c. Firm beliefs will help you succeed.
d. Friendship can withstand any challenge.


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option A. The statement that shows a theme from Macbeth is that those without convictions are easily manipulated. From the story, we see that Macbeth was easily controlled by lust and greed for Power.

In Romeo and Juliet act 2, scene 6, what important action happens offstage? A. Friar Laurence scolds Romeo. B. The nurse tells Juliet the plan. C. Romeo and Juliet get married. D. Romeo meets with the nurse.


C.) Romeo and Juliet got married. 
They never really set up that setting and for the auidence they just have to sit at the edge of their seats trying to figure out everything from other characters words.




Romeo and Juliet get married.

In "Young Goodman Brown," as Goodman Brown walks into the forest, he meets (1 point) a ghost with a walking cane. an older man with a staff in the shape of a serpent. a devilish Indian with a bow. a man with a staff in the shape of a rope.


The correct answer is the second one; an older man with a staff in the shapeof a serpent.

This serpent makes an impression of being almost alive. Goodman is offered this staff, but refuses.


the answer is B. an older man with a staff in the shape of a serpent.


Homophones ~~~ a) a female sheep / an evergreen tree
b) sandy shore / kind of tree
c) guided / a metal
d) opens lock / harbour
e) flat land / joiner's tool
f) suffering / piece of glass


I'm not sure about all of them, but I think that most of them are right.
a) ewe/yew
b) beach/beech
c) led/lead
d) key/quay
e) plain/plane
f) pain/pane