Name two types of clouds that are between 20,000 and 6,500 feet in the air?


Answer 1
Answer: Altocumulus and Altostratus are two types of clouds that are between 20,000 and 6,500 feet in the air.

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El Niño is a massive storm that causes massive flooding in Peru and Brazil.

Hope this helped!


How did guerrilla warfare contribute to the american victory during the american revolution




Although guerrilla warfare was frequently used when avoiding battles, the Americans fought in conventional linear formations in decisive battles against the British. The American Revolution could be seen as a hybrid war since both conventional and guerrilla warfare was used throughout its duration.

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Takabisha roller coaster. It pauses, 14 stories in the air. From there, riders get a picture-perfect view of Mount Fuji. Then the car lurches. It creeps forward, as if being dragged to the edge…

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This excerpt from the preamble of the Declaration of Independence clearly shows what the document is going to be about. This is evident from the portion that states "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." Essentially, this part states that the author will be discussing all the reasons why the Americans are breaking up with the British.


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Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican who had no patience with the Federalists’ view that only the “best people” should rule. To Democratic-Republicans, this view came close to monarchy, or rule by a king. 

Democratic-Republicans believed that the best government was the one that governed the least. A small government with limited powers was most likely to leave the people alone to enjoy the blessings of liberty. To keep the national government small, they insisted on a strict construction, or interpretation, of the Constitution. The Constitution, they insisted, meant exactly what it said, no more and no less. Any addition to the powers listed there, was unconstitutional and dangerous.
the kind of thomas jefferson want was republic government

thank you Which of the following mountain ranges, labeled with the number 2 on the map above, extends over 330 miles and has numerous mineral resources? A. the Ural Mountains B. the Balkan Mountains C. the Caucasus Mountains D. the Carpathian Mountains


it is the ural mountain so it is A