What is meant by the word acid


Answer 1
Answer: an acid typically has a ph. of under 7 and neutralises alkali
Answer 2
Answer: noun1.a chemical substance that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals, and turns litmus red; typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid of this kind."rainwater is a very weak acid"2.CHEMISTRYa molecule or other entity that can donate a proton or accept an electron pair in reactions.adjective1.containing acid or having the properties of an acid; in particular, having a pH of less than 7."poor, acid soils"2.sharp-tasting or sour  that from google .

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Zinc metal reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to produce hydrogen gas. What best describes this reaction? A single replacement reaction takes place because zinc is more reactive than hydrogen. A single replacement reaction takes place because zinc is more reactive than chlorine. A double replacement reaction takes place because zinc is less reactive than hydrogen. A double replacement reaction takes place because zinc is less reactive than chlorine.


The correct statement is a single replacement reaction takes place because zinc is more reactive than hydrogen. Hence, option C is correct.

What is a chemical equation?

A chemical reaction is a representation of symbols of the elements to indicate the number of substances and moles of reactant and product.

A single replacement reaction takes place because zinc is more reactive than hydrogen.


Zn+2HCl ⇒ ZnCl₂ + H₂

If we look at this reaction, the elements that play a role are those that undergo a redox reaction

Oxidation : Zn⇒Zn²⁺ + 2e

Reduction : 2H⁺ + 2e ⇒H₂

So Zn (located on the left) can push H (the element on the right) in the redox reaction ⇒ Zn is more reactive

A single replacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which one element replaces the other elements of a compound to produce new elements and compounds.


So the above reaction involves the elements Zn and H which undergo a redox reaction and are included in a single replacement.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about chemical equations:



Answer: The correct statement is a single replacement reaction takes place because zinc is more reactive than hydrogen.


A single displacement reaction is defined as the chemical reaction in which a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its chemical reaction. The reactivity of metals is determined from the series known as reactivity series.

The metals which lie above in the reactivity series are more reactive than the metals which lie below in the series. General equation for these reactions is given as:

A+BC\rightarrow AC+B

where, A is more reactive metal than metal B.

Now, when zinc metal reacts with hydrochloric acid, it leads to the production of zinc chloride salt and hydrogen gas. The equation follows:

Zn(s)+2HCl(aq.)\rightarrow ZnCl_2(s)+H_2(g)

Here, zinc is more reactive metal than hydrogen because it lies above in the series.

Smoke filling up a room is diffusion or not


Yes, because it comes from a one thing and spreads throughout the entire space. Similar to dripping foot coloring into a glass of water, or spraying air freshener.

if you were going to try to get the noble gas argon to combine with another element, would fluorine be a good choice?


I guess I should say yes.
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If you were to observe a handful of soil, what materials would you MOST LIKELY find? A. weathered rock and decomposed organic remains
B. small pieces of recycled glass and tiny pebbles
C. large minerals and fossilized remains of organisms
D. small living plants and hardened lava from a volcano


Your answer is A. Weathered rocks and decomposed organic remains.

What is the chemical formula for the ionic compound calcium chloride?


Answer : The correct formula of the given compound will be, CaCl_2

Explanation :

Calcium chloride is an ionic compound because calcium element is a metal and chloride element is a non-metal. The bond formed between a metal and a non-metal is always ionic in nature.

The nomenclature of ionic compounds is given by:

1. Positive ion is written first.

2. The negative ion is written next and a suffix is added at the end of the negative ion. The suffix written is '-ide'.

The charge on calcium is (+2) and the the charge on chloride is (-1). The charges are not balanced.  Thus they combine and their charges are exchanged and written in simplest whole number ratios to give neutral CaCl_2.

Hence, the formula of the compound calcium chloride will be CaCl_2