What gives the gem amethyst its purplish color


Answer 1
Answer: Amethyst is a crystalline quartz, its colours range from light to dark purple. The purplish colour of amethyst is due to high energy radiations, such as gamma rays, from radioactive sources, the presence of trace elements and the presence of iron found in its crystal lattice. The colour cetre created by Fe4+ is a principal contributor to the colouring of amethyst.
Answer 2

The gem amethyst gets its purplish color from trace amounts of iron and aluminum within its crystal lattice structure. Amethyst is a variety of quartz, which is a silicon dioxide mineral. The coloration occurs due to the presence of impurities or color centers that interact with light, absorbing certain wavelengths and transmitting others.

In the case of amethyst, the purple color is primarily attributed to the presence of iron impurities (Fe3+) within the crystal lattice of quartz. The iron impurities absorb certain wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum, particularly in the green and yellow regions, leaving behind the purplish hues to be transmitted to our eyes.

The exact shade of purple can vary in amethyst gemstones, ranging from light lilac to deep violet, depending on the concentration of iron impurities and other factors during their formation. Heat treatment or exposure to radiation can also influence the color of amethyst, but the natural variety gets its beauty from the fascinating interplay of these impurities within the crystal structure.

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'C' and 'D' are the same statement, and none of the 3 choices
is good.

Electrical energy is produced in a generator, a solar panel, or
a battery, not in things with resistance.

From the generator or battery, current flows through a circuit of
one or more components.

The greater the resistance of a component, the more energy is
LOST as the current flows through it.  The component dissipates
the energy in the form of heat.

This question is not worded in the best possible manner, nor is it specific enough. I also notice that C and D are duplicates.
The answer is B.

A is not true because regarding Ohm's law, V = IR, where V=voltage, I=current, and R=resistance. If we hold Voltage as a constant, (which should be mentioned in the question if it was any good) than we can easily notice that (V)/(R) = I, where I represents current. The larger I is, the easier for electricity to flow. Clearly as resistance increases, current decreases, therefore A is not true.

B is true because of the same reason C (and D) is not true: the greater the resistance, the more power it creates. Again, holding Voltage, or V, as constant, the equation for finding the power (electrical power/energy) of a system is (V^2)/(R) = P. We can notice here again that the greater R is, the less P is. The larger P is, the more energy is dissipated by the circuit. Therefore, since R is getting larger, P is getting smaller, and the amount of heat dissipated becomes less with R's increase.

C and D are not true because of what I explained in B, P gets smaller with R's increase.

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Running that process in a power plant would not only eliminate the
danger of a core meltdown, it would also pretty much eliminate the
possibility of getting any nuclear power out of the plant.

The understanding behind your question is correct . . . Neutrons coming
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Using a good pair of binoculars, you observe a section of the sky where there are stars of many different apparent brightnesses. You find one star that appears especially dim. This star looks dim because it is:_______.



Using a good pair of binoculars, you observe a section of the sky where there are stars of many different apparent brightnesses. You find one star that appears especially dim. This star looks dim because it is farther away or it has a small radius.


Apparent magnitude in astronomy is the apparent brightness of a star that is seen from the Earth, that brightness can variate according to the distance at which the star is from the Earth or due to its radius.

That can be demonstrate with the next equation:

F = (L)/(4\pi r^2) (1)

Where F is the radiant flux received from the star, L its intrinsic luminosity and r is the distance.

For example, an observer sees two motorbikes approaching it with its lights on but one of the motorbikes is farther, so the light of this one appears dimmer, even when the two lights emit the same amount of energy per second.  

That is because the radiant flux decreases with the square distance, as can be seen in equation 1.

In the other hand, a bigger radius means that the gravity in the surface of the star will be lower, allowing that light can escape more easily:

g = (GM)/(R^2) (2)

Where g is the surface gravity in the star, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the star and R is the radius of the star.

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From 2nd Newton Law:
Acceleration using kinematic equations:
vp-initial velocity=25m/s
vk-ending velocity=10m/s
a=( vk^(2)- vp^(2) )/(2Δd)

The phase change in which a substance changes from a gas directly to a solid isA. condensation.
B. vaporization.
C. deposition.
D. sublimation.


Condensation is the change ofthe substance from liquid to solid phase. Example of this is the formation ofice. Vaporization is the change of substance from liquid to gas phase. Example ofthis is the boiling of water. Deposition is the change of a substance from gasto solid phase. Example of this is the formation of ice on a winter day. Sublimationis the change of a substance from solid to gas phase. Example of this is dryice. The answer is letter C.

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