at do oxygen (O) and bromine (Br) have in common? They both tend to gain electrons to gain stability. They both have seven valence electrons. They are both halogens. They are both unreactive.


Answer 1
Answer: Both of them have high electronegativity. Hence they both tend to gain electrons to gain stability.

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Answer: The reactivity of a metal depends on how easily it loses electrons

The reactivity of metals is due to the difference in stability of their electron configurations as atoms and as ions. As they are all metals they will form positive ions when they react.

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CuCO₃ ---T--> CuO↓ + CO₂ ↑ 

CO₂ escapes to the atmosphere (it's a gas)
It is so bcs of law of conservation of mass

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She needs to use the heat of fusion (ΔH(fusion)) and the equation q=mΔH(fusion) or q=nΔH(fusion)  depending on whether or not ΔH(fusion) is given in J/g or J/mol.  The reason why temperature is absent from the equation is that temperature does not change at a phase change, only the enthalpy does.

I hope his helps.  Let me know in the comments if anything is unclear.




This is correct on edge.

Make a hypothesis:Why do you think Hydrogen is with the Group 1 elements rather than with the rest of the nonmetals directly next to Helium above Group 17?



Hydrogen's placement on the periodic table is a subject of debate among chemists. It's in Group 1 because it has one electron in its outermost shell, like the alkali metals. However, it's not a typical alkali metal and has some nonmetallic properties, like being a diatomic gas. Its unique position results from historical reasons and its ability to both lose and gain electrons, making it difficult to classify as a typical metal or nonmetal. Hydrogen's placement reflects its anomalous nature and the periodic table's limitations in fully capturing its properties.

First, because the elements of the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing proton numbers. Secondly, hydrogen would belong in group 1 instead of 17 because the elements of a group have the same number valence electrons. Hydrogen has one valence electron so it would best fit into group one rather than group 17 which has seven valence electrons

Whiskers and beaks are two examples of _____. electroreceptors mechanoreceptors olfactory receptors photoreceptors


Whiskers and beaks are two examples of _____. electroreceptors mechanoreceptors olfactory receptors photoreceptors

Whiskers and beaks are two examples of olfactory receptors. An olfactory receptor is a smell receptor that contains a protein capable of binding odor molecules that plays the central role of smell.


its mechanoreceptors


mechanoreceptors react to pressure and distortion.

Petroleum and coal can be mined from the continental shelf. t/f



Petroleum and coal can be mined from the continental shelf. Hot magma from inside the Earth seeps out from the crevices in the mid-ocean ridge. There is speculation regarding whether this is a cost-effective technique. Fossil fuels and mineral deposits can be located all throughout the continental shelf and also in some of the deepest depths of the ocean.

Answer:The given statement is true.


Continental Shelf: A portion of continent submerged under the relative shallow ocean water.Most of the gradually slopes down in to the water.

The relatively flat surface and shallow water makes it fitr place to harvest sea food, non renewable energy resources like : coal, petroleum .