Describe the saving-borrowing-investing cycle


Answer 1
Answer: The saving-borrowing-investing cycle generally begins with consumer borrowing to fund their purchases and for seed capital. They then use this capital to invest in their future, which then allows them to bring in more money. They then are able to use income to pay off their loans and to save.

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PLEASE AND THANK YOU :( I 'VE BEEN STUCK ON IT FOR TWO DAYS ------ In a well-written paragraph, describe a government-based effort (international or not) to improve resource use and management. Include how the policy affects a specific country or area of the world.


The best way to improve resource use and management is by following the principle of sustainable development.

Further Explanation:  

In the international platform, there is an urgent need for the conservation of natural resources and its management effectively and efficiently. All the levels of government in any country are involved to improve resource use. Reuse, Reduce and Recycle are the 3R's for effective resource management. We need to improve the quality of life of present as well as future generations. There are various models to assist the management of resources like geographic information system (GIS), Resource Management Audits.

There is an International Resource Panel of scientific experts give advice and solutions regarding the use of natural resources in a sustainable manner without compromising with economic growth. It gave detailed planning about the use of Raw Material Reserves. It also provides options and alternatives for cleaner resources. Some of the reports launched by the panel are Measuring Water Use in a Green Economy, Resource Efficiency: Potential and Economic Implications. There is a need of international cooperation and integration of the authorities to ensure the rational use of the resources.  

We need to reduce the exploitation of the resources for industrial use and move towards a greener economy. Urbanisation, industrialisation has led to more land use and deforestation has started on the larger extent. This will increase the temperature of the Earth by an increase of Carbon dioxide and causing global warming. The Kyoto Protocol, Paris Climate Treaty is the step in the right direction.  

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Resource Management.

Subject: Social Science


Geographic information system, Resource Management Audits, scientific experts, solutions, economic growth, Cleaner Resources, international cooperation, rational use, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Climate Treaty.

Chinese government pushed for improving water resource management and pollution control in the Hai Basin. The Hai Basin had serious water-related issues like pollution, shortage, etc. With the help of the World Bank and the Chinese government, they fixed Bohai Sea ecosystem to solve the said problems in the Hai Basin. The Hai Basin Integrated Water and Environment Management Project lessened water pollution whcih more than 20 million residents benefited.

"The ____________________ standard allows police officers to use deadly force against people who are using deadly force against an officer or another person, as well as in certain violent felony situations."



Defense of life standard


Right to self-defense allows an individual to use a counterforce to repel an attack that can take their life or injure them severely

The official statement as contained in Article 3 of the 1979 Code of Conduct states that:

"Every effort should be made to exclude the use of firearms, especially against  children. In general, firearms should not be used except when a suspectedoffender offers armed resistance or otherwise jeopardizes the lives of others and  less extreme measures are not sufficient to restrain or apprehend the suspected  offender".

The police also have the right to self-defense and this is employed in the defense of life standard.

An intermediary with legal authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer but who does not take title is referred to as?





An agent, is a person who has been legally empowered to act on behalf of another person or an entity. An agent may be given the authority by the client to negotiate and have certain rights to deal with third parties. The agent may have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the person or entity.

Most times agents are hired because the person or entity doesnt want to exert energy on lesser matter or because the required expertise is not available.

1. _______ roads, bridges water and sewer systems, and a reliable electric grid.2. ________ changes

3. _______ One nation that helps another

4. ______ a system of heavy government control

5. ______ an economy with less government control

a. Communism

b. Ally

c. Reform

d. Infrastructure

e. Market economy

Directions: Underline the best answer based on the readings.

1. Which country took an active role in Japan after WWII?

a. United States

b. China

c. Germany

d. Soviet Union

2. Japan and the United States are allies today?

a. True

b. False

3. The United states wanted to help Japan move away from _______ towards_______.

a. Communism; command economy

b. Communism; democracy

c. Command economy; traditional economy

d. Traditional economy; communism

4. What is the best description of the government after WW in Japan?

a. Traditional US government

b. Exact copy of the US constitution

c. Blend of Japanese traditions and new government

d. None of the above.

5. Which is the best description of the Japanese economy today?

a. Total government control

b. Total United States control

c. Entrepreneurs and individually owned businesses

d. Germany Control



C) The people's is an example of a country with a limited government system.


The boundary where crust gives way to mantle is called the _______.a. asthenosphere
b. mesosphere
c. Mohorovicic discontinuity
d. Vernian divide

Chemical weathering is the breakdown of rocks, soils, and minerals through _______.
a. atmospheric or biologically produced chemicals
b. atmospheric conditions
c. the movement of wind and water
d. mechanical means

The cracking of rock due to heat is an example of _______.
a. erosion
b. physical ...


1. The boundary where crust gives way to mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity. The correct option in regards to the given question is option "c".
2. Chemical weathering is the breakdown of rocks, soils and minerals through atmospheric or biologically produced chemicals. The correct option in regards to the question is option "a".
3. The cracking of rock due to heat is an example of physical weathering. The second option or option "b" is the correct option in regards to this question.
I hope to have correctly answered all the questions you posted.

1. The boundary where crust gives way to mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity. The correct option in regards to the given question is option "c".

2. Chemical weathering is the breakdown of rocks, soils and minerals through atmospheric or biologically produced chemicals. The correct option in regards to the question is option "a".

3. The cracking of rock due to heat is an example of physical weathering. The second option or option "b" is the correct option in regards to this question.

Explain how a basic industry creates new types of jobs


Basic industry draws in newlaborers and their families to the settlement. At that point makes requirement for non basic industries and workers as well.

The basic industry is based along the lines of carrying cashinto the economy by giving an administration to individuals outside the community.A case of a basic industry would be a business natural product plantation.Organic product is developed in mass sums inside the community and transportedto outside with a specific end goal to give development in the economy.