If two light bulbs are wired in series and one bulb burns out the other bulb will


Answer 1
Answer: The other bulb won't work.
Answer 2
Answer: the other bulb would not work

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Convert the binary number into a hexadecimal number.



A binary number is converted to hexadecimal number by making a group of 4 bits from the binary number given.Start making the group from Least Significant Bit (LSB) and start making group of 4 to Most Significant (MSB) or move in outward direction.If the there are less than 4 bits in last group then add corresponding zeroes to the front and find the corresponding hexadecimal number according to the 4 bits.For example:-

for this binary number 100111001011011.

100  11100101  1011

There is one bits less in the last group so add 1 zero(0) to it.

0100  1110  0101  1011

  4        E        5        B

100111001011011 = 4E5B


0010   1011  .   1010

  2          B           A


Once upon a time there was a country called Plusplusland. The monetary system they used there was simple: the currency name was the "plussar" and their central bank issued five different banknotes of values 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 plussar.Your task is to write a program for the ATMs of Plusplusland. The program should find the minimal number of banknotes needed to deliver any amount of money to the client.The Treasury Minister has asked you personally to do this. He expects your code to print the values of all the needed banknotes in a row – this is the format accepted by all ATMs in Plusplusland. Your program will require the use of an integer array combined with different loops to process the currency.Test your code using the sample data provided below......Example input125Example output50 50 20 5Example input127Example output50 50 20 5 1 1Example input49Example output20 20 5 1 1 1 1(HINT: Here is an array that maybe helpful for all known banknotes ordered from the most valuable to the leastint banknotes[] = {50, 20, 10, 5, 1} and then use your skill with array related processing combining different kinds of loops)




The answer coded in Javascript is:

function minimalNumbersOfBanknotes(input) {

var banknotes = [50, 20, 10, 5, 1];

var output = '';

 //Each while writes on output variable the banknote and substract the same quantity on input variable.

 //If the input is lesser than the value of while banknote, step into next while.

  for (var i = 0; i < banknotes.length; i++) {

      while(input >= banknotes[i]) {

         output = output + '  ' + banknotes[i];

         input = input - banknotes[i];



 return output;


Write a programe to add two numbers using function with return type"void".




using namespace std;

//create the function which add two number

void addTwoNumber(int num_1,int num_2)


   int result = num_1 + num_2;  //adding


   cout<<"The output is:"<<result<<endl;  //display on the screen


//main function

int main(){

   //calling the function


   return 0;



First, include the library iostream for using the input/output instructions.

then, create the function which adds two numbers. Its return type is void, it means the function return nothing and the function takes two integer parameters.

then, use the addition operation '+' in the programming to add the numbers and store the result in the variable and display the result.

create the main function for testing the function.

call the function with two arguments 3 and 6.

then, the program copies the argument value into the define function parameters and then the program start executing the function.

I'm stuck on this Java exercise problem and don't know how to organize my code with proper formatting and it's not helping that I'm pretty terrible at logic. I can't figure out how to return the number of spaces to be displayed in the main method.


In your "count spaces method" before the for loop, you want to declare an int variable (let's call it spc)

then, each time you find that charat, spc++.

also, the string must be declared in the main method, not the spaces count method.

The actual code:

public class CountSpaces{

public static void main(String[] args){

String instring = "(your quote here)";

int spaces = calculateSpaces(instring);

System.out.println("The number of spaces is " + spaces);


public static int calculateSpaces(String in){

int spc = 0;

for(int i= 0; i<in.length; i++){

if(in.charAt(i)== ' '){




return spc;



that should be it.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

_ is an important management tool that is used to monitor and manage that contract and/or project



Earned Value Management (Even)


Even is the best management tool for monitoring the performance of a project by emphasizing the planning and integration of program cost.

The utilization of a subset of the performance equation as a performance metric is a pitfall. To illustrate this, assume the following two processors. P1 has a clock rate of 4 GHz, average CPI of 0.9, and requires the execution of 5.0E9 instructions. P2 has a clock rate of 3 GHz, an average CPI of 0.75, and requi res the execution of 1.0E9 instructions. One usual fallacy is to consider the computer with the largest clock rate as having the largest performance. Check if this is true for P1 and P2.



Given Data:

Clock rate of P1 = 4 GHz

Clock rate of P2 = 3 GHz

Average CPI of P1 = 0.9

Number of Instructions = 5.0E9 =  5 × 10^9

Clock rate of P2 = 3 GHz

Average CPI of P2 = 0.75

Number of Instructions = 1.0E9 = 10^9

To find: If the computer with largest clock rate has the largest performance?



As given in the question, clock rate of P1 = 4 GHz which is greater than clock rate of P2 = 3 GHz

According to the performance equation:

CPU Time = instruction count * average cycles per instruction/ clock rate

CPU Time = I * CPI / clock rate

Where instruction count refers to the number of instructions.

Performance of P1:

CPU Time (P1) = 5 * 10^9 * 0.9 / (4 * 10^9)

                        = 5000000000 * 0.9 / 4000000000

                        = 4500000000 / 4000000000

                        =  1.125s

Performance of P2:

CPU Time (P2) = 10^9 * 0.75/ (3 * 10^9)

                        = 750000000 / 3000000000

                        = 0.25s

So the Performance of P2 is larger than that of P1,

                          performance (P2) > performance (P1)

                                         0.25 is better than 1.125

But clock rate of P1 was larger than P2

                             clock rate of P1 > clock rate of P2

                                                  4 GHz > 3 GHz

So this is a misconception about P1 and P2.

It is not true that computer with the largest clock rate as having the largest performance.