Why did andrew jackson fight a battle after he war was over


Answer 1
Answer: In September 1814, an impressive American naval victory on Lake Champlain forced invading British forces back into Canada and led to the conclusion of peace negotiations in Ghent, Belgium. Although the peace agreement was signed on December 24, word did not reach the British forces assailing the Gulf coast in time to halt a major attack.On January 8, 1815, the British marched against New Orleans, hoping that by capturing the city they could separate Louisiana from the rest of the United States. Pirate Jean Lafitte, however, had warned the Americans of the attack, and the arriving British found militiamen under General Andrew Jackson strongly entrenched at the Rodriquez Canal. In two separate assaults, the 7,500 British soldiers under Sir Edward Pakenham were unable to penetrate the U.S. defenses, and Jackson’s 4,500 troops, many of them expert marksmen from Kentucky and Tennessee, decimated the British lines. In half an hour, the British had retreated, General Pakenham was dead, and nearly 2,000 of his men were killed, wounded, or missing. U.S. forces suffered only eight killed and 13 wounded.Although the battle had no bearing on the outcome of the war, Jackson’s overwhelming victory elevated national pride, which had suffered a number of setbacks during the War of 1812. The Battle of New Orleans was also the last armed engagement between the United States and Britain.

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He was the eighteenth President of the United States. And Commanding General of the United States Army from 1864-1869. And lead the Union Army to victory over the Confederacy in the American Civil War.
He was the 18th president of the United States. 

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Grant received fewer votes in the North, so the Fifteenth Amendment was passed to allow male African Americans the vote.
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Grant received fewer votes in the North, so the Civil Rights Act of 1866 was enacted to protect African American rights.



Grant received fewer votes in the North, so the Fifteenth Amendment was passed to allow male African Americans the vote.


Ulysses S. Grant was the youngest elected President of the United States. He continued the Reconstruction era by stabilizing the economy, creating the Department of Justice and prosecuted the Ku Klux Klan.

He knew that with his agenda he did not have supporters in the Southern States and his support would lay in African Americans, so the way to give strength to these people is to give them voting rights and the government enforcement of civil rights. Because of that, in his inaugural address, he urged for the ratification of the 15th amendment.

its b, grant received less votes in the north

The main goal of the policy of containment was toThe Truman Doctrine stated that the United States would
The Marshall Plan pursued containment through the use of
the spread of communism in Europe.
if a free nation became threatened by


The main goal of the policy of containment was to prevent the spread of communism, particularly in Europe. Thus, option C is correct.

What was the containment Policy?

The containment policy was a strategy adopted by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism and Soviet influence around the world. The policy was announced by US diplomat George F. Kennan in 1947 and became the cornerstone of US foreign policy throughout the Cold War era.

The containment policy was based on the belief that the Soviet Union was expansionist and sought to spread its communist ideology throughout the world. The United States saw this as a threat to its own security and sought to contain Soviet influence through a variety of means, including military alliances, economic aid, and diplomatic pressure.

One of the key components of the containment policy was the creation of military alliances such as NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the SEATO (the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization). These alliances provided a collective defense against potential Soviet aggression and helped to deter Soviet expansionism.

The United States also provided economic aid to countries in Europe and Asia in an effort to strengthen their economies and prevent them from falling under Soviet influence. The Marshall Plan, for example, provided billions of dollars in aid to help rebuild Europe after World War II and was seen as a key component of the containment policy.

Learn more about containment Policy here:




The main goal of the policy of containment was to limit the spread of communism in Europe.

The Truman Doctrine stated that the United States would guarantee support if a free nation became threatened by communism.

The Marshall Plan pursued containment through the use of economic help.

i hope this helps :) i got it from e2020

What began to happen to change the southern economic base


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