What aspects of Edwardian society does George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion capture?A. the rising reliance on government and the changing status of families
B. the increasing influence of youth and the fear of loss of traditions
C. the advancing adoption of socialism and the mounting concern for civil rights
D. the emphasis on social class and the way women were viewed


Answer 1
Answer: I believe it is D. The emphasis on social class & the way women were viewed.

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Well I do not know if there are any restrictions but most organisations are corrupted and keep most of the money donated, I personally would build schools and hospitals and hire staff members in 3rd world countries.


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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "a photograph." A photograph is not an example of expository writing. An iTunes® download screen, a one-way sign the, instructions on the side of a cereal box are possible examples of expository writing.


"A photograph"


I just know.

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Do not separate a one-letter syllable from the rest of the word.

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The first one would be the right answer.


It was B (I just took the test)


Which part of this excerpt from Homer’s Odyssey depicts Ulysses revealing his true identity to his faithful servants Eumaeus and Philaetius?He saw their secret souls, and thus began:
"Those vows the gods accord; behold the man!
Your own Ulysses! twice ten years detain'd
By woes and wanderings from this hapless land:
At length he comes; but comes despised, unknown,
And finding faithful you, and you alone.
All else have cast him from their very thought,
E'en in their wishes and their prayers forgot!
Hear then, my friends: If Jove this arm succeed,
And give yon impious revellers to bleed,
My care shall be to bless your future lives
With large possessions and with faithful wives;
Fast by my palace shall your domes ascend,
And each on young Telemachus attend,
And each be call'd his brother and my friend.
To give you firmer faith, now trust your eye;
Lo! the broad scar indented on my thigh,
When with Autolycus' sons, of yore,
On Parnass' top I chased the tusky boar."
His ragged vest then drawn aside disclosed
The sign conspicuous, and the scar exposed:
Eager they view'd, with joy they stood amazed
With tearful eyes o'er all their master gazed:
Around his neck their longing arms they cast,
His head, his shoulders, and his knees embraced;
Tears followed tears; no word was in their power;
In solemn silence fell the kindly shower.
The king too weeps, the king too grasps their hands;
And moveless, as a marble fountain, stands.



The correct answer is: To give you firmer faith, now trust your eye;

Lo! the broad scar indented on my thigh,

When with Autolycus' sons, of yore,

On Parnass' top, I chased the tusky boar."

His ragged vest then drawn aside disclosed

The sign conspicuous, and the scar exposed:

Eager they viewed, with joy they stood amazed

With tearful eyes o'er all their master gazed:


This part depicts Ulysses revealing his true identity to his faithful servants Eumaeus and Philaetius. It is clearly seen that in the part that says: "His ragged vest then drawn aside disclosed": Ulysses is showing them that he has disclosed himself and they were amazed when this happened.

Well I don't really know for sure but the second line till the 10.

Need to write an 8 sentence paragraph that fully develops the topic on (drunk driving can be stopped)?


Drunk driving can be stopped! There are a lot of reasons why this should and could happen. There are reasons such as... There is ____% of people that get into a car crash each year from.. Many people also want this to stop because of... Others could also get in danger and be hit from the impact of... There are much more similiar accidents that could happen such as... As the whole entire world I know we can... As you can see,.... Hope this helped :)

In situational irony —a. what is said is the opposite of what is meant
b. someone behaves deceptively toward people who trust him or her
c. what is expected is the opposite of what happens
d. the actors know something that the characters they play don’t know


In situational irony:

c. what is expected is the opposite of what happens

This type of irony is also known as the irony of events where sharp contrasts are illustrated on the difference between predictions and the reality which is one concrete example. This can create various reactions from audiences given that they are provided with all the chances of thinking out of the box.