Write an essay on whether learning always has a positive effect in a person's life.i just want two reasons, anyone could help?


Answer 1
Answer: It helps a LOT in the future as an adult, and being able to have a good job and a good life :)

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A fire extinguisher is useless in an emergency unless the person can use it. TRUE or FALSE


The answer is true. A fire extinguisher is a dynamic fire assurance gadget used to stifle or control little flames, regularly in crisis circumstances. It is not planned for use on a crazy fire, for example, one which has achieved the roof, imperils the client or generally requires the aptitude of a fire office.
Yes, its true that a fire extinguisher is useless in an emergency unless the person can use it. Fire extinguishers are used in emergency fire-breakouts. But, there is no utility of this emergency device if it can be used in a sitatution of emergency. It must remain in active working mode to prevent fire.

"What sound device is used in the following excerpt from ""How the Animals Lost their Tails and Got Them Back Traveling from Philadelphia to Medicine Hat"" by Carl Sandburg?When there was a fight and a snag and a wrangle between two families living next door neighbors to each other and this old flongboo was called in to umpire and to say which family was right and which family was wrong, which family started it and which family ought to stop it, he used to say,
“The best umpire is the one who knows just how far to go and how far not to go.” A. repetition
B. alliteration
C. rhyme
D. consonance


Answer: A. Repetition

Explanation: The word family is intentionally repeated in each instance where it could have been omitted. This sound device adds to the sense of "annoying, noisy, lengthy argument" that was already started with the pseudo-repetition "a fight and a snag and a wrangle" (i.e., three words to refer to the same thing).

For PLATO users the correct answer is A


EXPERIENCE Pet Sitter 2005 – 2006 Provided pet sitting services including dog walking, feeding, and giving medications as needed Child Care Giver 2006 – 2008 Provided child care for up to 3 children at a time after school, on weekends, and during school vacations Prepared meals and snacks Head Start Aide May 2009 – August 2010 Assisted teacher with development and preparation of materials and photocopying Tutored individual students Supervised small groups of students during center's time and on field trips How should this resumé be revised to be more effective? It is correct as it is. The applicant should underline key words to emphasize experience. The applicant should include names of clients and dates the work was done. The applicant should arrange the work experience in reverse chronological order. Mark this and return


The applicant should arrange the work experience in reverse chronological order.

In this way, the potential employer will know what the latest work and experience the applicant has and he/she can decide whether the applicant is fit for the position being applied to or not.

The applicant should arrange the work experience in reverse chronological order.


In which lines in this excerpt from T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" does the speaker compare himself to an insect?a)And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent

b)Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,

c)And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin,
When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall,

d)And would it have been worth it, after all,
After the cups, the marmalade, the tea,
Among the porcelain





In the lines "And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin,

When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall,"the poet is comparing himself to an insect.

"The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock" is a poem written by eT. S. Eliot is 1910-1911 and first published in 1915. The speaker of the poem is a middle-aged psyche man. He is able to hear the voices of people whom he sees, marking comments on his looks and baldness.

In Lines 57-58, he compares himself with an insect. He compares himself with an insect because he thinks everyone treats him like that and that he is in a display like an insect.

The answer is C: "And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, 
                             When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall,"

In "THE EGG" where does the narrator's family start a restaurant? A BIDWELL B PICKLEVILLE C TURNER'S PIKE D GRIGG'S ROAD.


The correct answer is A) the narrator's family starts a restaurant in Bidwell, Ohio. 


B  Pickleville


Read this excerpt from the speech "Cause of the Great War" delivered by British Prime Minister David Lloyd George after World War I. Which statement accurately describes the use of rhetorical devices in this excerpt? We begged Germany not to attack Belgium, and produced a treaty, signed by the King of Prussia, as well as the King of England, pledging himself to protect Belgium against an invader, and we said, "If you invade Belgium we shall have no alternative but to defend it." The enemy invaded Belgium, and now they say, "Why, forsooth, you, England, provoked this war." It is not quite the story of the wolf and the lamb. I will tell you why —because Germany expected to find a lamb and found a lion.

A: The writer uses repetition to tell the audience that England was not the cause of the war.
B: The writer uses climax to tell the audience that England suffered a lot of casualties.
C: The writer uses antithesis to tell the audience that Germany is a major threat to England.
D: The writer uses metaphor to tell the audience that England will defeat Germany in the war.


I'm thinking it's D. But I could be wrong.

D. The writer uses metaphor to tell the audience that England will defeat Germany in the war.

A. Repetition: A literary device that repeats the same words or phrases to make an idea clearer or more memorable. =Not applicable to this excerpt.

A. The excerpt is saying that England was not the cause of the war, but it does not use repetition to do it.

B. Climax: The turning point of a narrative; The highest point of action. =Not applicable to this excerpt.

B. This excerpt does not mention casualties either.

C. Antithesis: A contrary or opposite opinion/concept/characteristic; A literary device intended to persuade the reader. =Not applicable to this excerpt.

C. Antithesis rhetorical device: Two opposing ideas placed together in a sentence to achieve a contrasting effect. =Possible but not likely.

C. This excerpt does not explicitly say that Germany is a major threat to England. In fact, this excerpt makes them sound quite confident.

D. Metaphor: A figure of speech that makes an implied comparison between two things that are unrelated, but share common characteristics.

D. Like I stated above, this excerpt makes England sound confident that they will win.

Metaphor example in the excerpt: "It is not quite the story of the wolf and the lamb. I will tell you why —because Germany expected to find a lamb and found a lion."

I hope this helps anyone looking for the answer or for reference, sorry I was unable to answer sooner, but I will put this here for anyone still looking.