What is a key difference in the use of details in the texts?


Answer 1
Answer: In most of the situation you can come across how one author  is dominated by facts, while other  is dominated by images and examples and descriptions and so on.

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Personification, Walt Whitman is personifying the land that is America and giving it the qualities of a person, in saying that it is singing. Therefore the figure of speech used is personification. 


See image (Plato)


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b. Both are very short in length.
c. Both attempt to persuade an audience.
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a. Both use humor to entertain an audience.


Satire is a method utilized by essayists to uncover and condemn stupidity and defilement of an individual or a general public, by utilizing humor, incongruity, distortion, or derision. It means to improve humankind by scrutinizing its imprudences and shortfalls. An essayist in a satire utilizes anecdotal characters, which represent real people, to expose and condemn their corruption.

Parable is a hyperbole, which displays a short story, regularly with an ethical exercise toward the end. You frequently have heard stories from your seniors, for example, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and All is Vanity. These are anecdotes since they show you a specific good exercise. Parable is, actually, a Greek word, anecdote, which signifies "examination." It resembles a concise account or a well known fact that utilizes symbolism, simile, and metaphor, to demonstrate the moral lesson intended to be taught.

A. Both use humor to entertain and audience.

Which answer choice does not contain any punctuation errors?a. "Koreans fly kites" Janet reported, "during the first days of the new year."
b. She added, "Kites are flown in all parts of the world."
c. "They are especially popular in Asia." she said.
d. "Kites have been popular for thousands of years", said Ms. Carson.


It is B

A. wrong because comma's go inside quotation marks
C. wrong...needs to be a comma after kites
D. wrong..needs to be a comma after Asia instead of a period

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b. simile
c. metaphor
d. symbolism


Answer: Simile

Explanation: Simile refers to a figure of speech which involves comparing two separate entities. It makes a description more actual and shows resemblance between the two entities. It is established by the use of ‘As’ or ‘Like’.

Simile. Similes use like or as

Which personal pronoun agrees with its antecedent and correctly completes the sentence? No one should select __________ own poster as the prizewinner.

his or her




I think its B. Their because its more than one personHope this helps!!!!
his or her hope i helped