Mark the statement if it describes how Rome's common people reacted to the problems that they experienced. A. They banded together, called themselves plebeians, and demanded political power. B. They left Rome and built their own city. C. They refused to fight in the army. D. They refused to repay their debt and reclaimed any land they had lost.


Answer 1
Answer: D. is the correct answer they refused to repay their dept and reclaimed any land they had loss you probually couldve read in your book to find that answer but whatever

Answer 2

The correct answer is A. Rome's common people banded together, called themselves plebeians, and demanded political power.

The plebeians considered themselves Roman citizens; and had as such obligations (notably military service) and certain political rights. They were not a social class but the whole of citizenship.

Tradition attributes to king Servius Tullius (6th century BC) the inscription of the plebs in public records, organizing it into craft corporations (the collegia).

These reforms of Servio Tulio, based on the census, allowed the plebs to become part of the army and the centennial elections and, later, in the context of the struggles between patricians and commoners that characterized the first centuries of the Roman Republic, even of the same Senate, accessing all the magistracies.

The patrician-plebeian confrontations took place from the Secessio plebis of 494 BC until the promulgation of the Lex Hortensia in 287 BC.

Pressed by the demands of the plebs, the patricians consented to the drafting of a public and written legal code (Law of the Twelve Tables) that was successively amended and expanded with new laws granting commoners new rights (to marriage, to the priesthood, etc.), the ability to vote in the different Roman assemblies and the legal effectiveness of their resolutions (plebiscite), and the exclusive appointment of two magistrates (the tribunes of the plebs) with powers to guarantee their rights.

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Bae4lyfeWhich was one unique element of the election of 1960?

Kennedy had served as both secretary of the Navy and as a U.S. senator.

Nixon was a weak opponent.

It was the first election to use televised debates.

Kennedy was the first Unitarian candidate to run for the presidency.



It was the first election to use televised debates.


The US presidential election of 1960 marked the end of the administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower who served two terms in the presidency. His vice president, Richard Nixon, who had transformed his office into a national political base, was the Republican candidate, while Democrats nominated Senator from Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy.

The electoral vote was the closest in a presidential election since 1916. In the popular vote, Kennedy's margin of victory was one of the closest in American history. The 1960 elections are still a matter of debate among some historians about whether there was a steal of votes in some states that helped Kennedy win, and Virginia Senator Harry F. Byrd received 15 electoral votes from 14 states. of the South and an uncommitted elector and a defector in Oklahoma, respectively.

This was the first presidential election in which Alaska and Hawaii participated, having been granted State status, respectively, from January 3 to August 21 of the previous year. It was also the first election in which both candidates for the presidency had been born in the 20th century. This was also the last election where the candidate who got Ohio did not win the election.

It was the first election to use televised debates.

Which of these developments led human societies to develop farming and herding techniques during the Neolithic Revolution?A. Human populations declined greatly after an era of intense cold.
B. Climate conditions were no longer ideal for indigenous plants to grow on their own.
C. Large animal species on which hunter-gatherer societies depended became extinct.
D. People needed goods to trade with the other groups they were starting to encounter.



C. Large animal species on which hunter-gatherer societies depended became extinct.


The Neolithic revolution was a crucial change in the ways of life of mankind, in which we move from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle, which also leads to an economic transformation, from a collecting economy to an economy producer

Although it is known as "revolution", historians insist that it was a rather gradual change, the most accepted theory so far, in the 8th millennium BC, due to a climate crisis at the beginning of the Holocene. On the basis of its importance for the history of humanity, he claimed for himself the term "revolution".

It extends from the Paleolithic period, in which the stones were still carved, to the Neolithic, when the stones were polished, all with the purpose of making tools and weapons. It is part of what has been characterized as "Stone Age".

The first animal to enter the habitat of man was the dog. Ovine, bovine and caprine domestication are a fundamental pillar of production today. The domestication of the horse occurred at that time, in the area of ​​Central Asia, along with that of the camelids, which occurred in different sectors.

Among the mammals that were selected for livestock, the pig occupied a main place. Poultry and raptors were used, particularly ducks and chickens. There is information about the use of insects, for example in beekeeping -bees- and sericulture -worms of silk-.

The answer is most likely C, i'm sorry if i'm wrong.

What were some of the natural resources that attracted europeans to africa in the 1800s


Some of the natural resources that attracted Europeans to Africa in the eighteenth hundreds are gold, diamonds and platinum. The discovery of diamonds in Vaal River was in the year of 1867 which triggered a diamond rush. At first, whites and blacks were independent with working but later on, they consolidated as the mine was getting deeper.

Answer: Land for farming, gold and diamonds, ivory, rubber and palm oil.


Why did the Greek historian Herodotus call Egypt "the gift of the Nile"? Choose all answers that are correct. A. The Nile provided water. B. The Nile was an abundant source of precious stones. C. The Nile gave the Egyptians more access to trade. D. The Nile deposited fertile soil. will medal and fan


The Greek historian Herodotus call Egypt "the gift of the Nile" because:

  • The Nile provided water.
  • The Nile was an abundant source of precious stones.
  • The Nile gave the Egyptians more access to trade. Thus, option (a), (b) and (c) is correct.

What is Egypt?

The largest Arab nation is Egypt, which is situated in Africa's northeast. In contemporary Middle Eastern affairs, Egypt has assumed a significant role. The Egypt citizen is called the Egyptians. The Egyptians were of Egyptian descent, and their native language was Asian.

Call Egypt, according to Greek historian Herodotus. It was a Nile gift. The water came from the Nile River. The stones were supposed to be supplied by the Nile. The Nile improved Egyptian trade. The main reasons for visiting Egypt are the benefits of the Nile.

As a result, the Greek historian Herodotus call Egypt "the gift of the Nile." Therefore, option (a), (b) and (c) is correct.

Learn more about on Egypt, here:


Answers are..... A,B, and C

Which of the following are roles the president carries out under the constitution and tradition?


The first role is the Head Of state
This role enables the president to create the government and choose the secretaries who run various departments found in the United States, for example, the State department or the Department of Defense or anything similar. The president chooses who these people would be and the congress approves of this.

The second is the Chief Diplomat
This role means that the president is in charge of negotiating treaties and deals with other countries, whether it be trade deals or peace talks or similar things. When a president makes a treaty or a deal, the congress chooses whether to ratify it after which it becomes a legitimate treaty that is supported by the US.
The third is the Chief Executive

This role makes the president the chief of the executive branch. This means that the president is ideally in charge of things like the police or the various other executive agencies. He can also sign executive orders which are like laws that are quickly implemented and they go through the supreme court's examination for constitutionality.
The fourth is the Commander in Chief
This means that the president is also the highest ranking military officer of the entire army, including navy, airforce, and all similar types of armies. The president participates with generals in making policies or plans and gets reports from battlefields and similar things and basically controls all things related to the military.
The fifth is the Chief Legislator
The president and his cabinet make laws that are then either adopted by the congress or are disposed. The president also has a huge role in influencing the fate of laws that are made by non-president parties such as various groups since usually the support of the president for a law means that there is a higher chance that it will get passed.
Here are 5 constitutional roles of the president :

- Head Of state
This mean that the president Lead the Government

- Chief Diplomat
The President in charge in handling the relation between United States and other country

- Chief Executive
The president is in charge of the executive branch of the government

- Commander in Chief
The president is the supreme commander of the U.S military forces

- Chief Legislator
The role of president in influencing and making the law

During the lifetime of Genghis Khan, the Mongols claimed this modern day country as part of its empire.





During the lifetime of Genghis Khan, the territory that is now Russia belonged to the Mongol Empire. This was the largest contiguous land empire in history, and it dominated Eurasia during the 13th and 14th centuries. The Mongol Empire allowed for the unification of several nomadic tribes in the area. It also allowed for the dissemination and exchange of trade, technology, commodities, and ideologies.

the mongols took over alot of places but the answer to your question is