Which improvement in navigation technology allowed sailors to use celestial bodies to determine latitude?


Answer 1

For centuries Europeans and Arabs had sailed around its coasts using as reference the visible points of the littoral and their knowledge of the depths (probes) in different places. When, at the end of the 15th century, the Portuguese and Castilians began their more distant voyages of exploration and discovery, their navigation instruments were:

  • Runner and ampule to determine the speed of the vessel (for estimated navigation).
  • Probe to determine the depth and nature of the fund.
  • Very rustic compasses to determine the North (magnetic).
  • Ballestilla, astrolabe and quadrant to measure the height of a star on the horizon.

They knew the limitations and errors of navigating by esteem. They also knew that the magnetic declination was not constant but varied with place and time. They knew that the polar star was not located just above the celestial pole and knew how to correct the error introduced in the measurement of latitude by observing nearby stars (the "guards").

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I think the correct answer from the choices in the first question would be option B. Pogroms and anti-Semitism in Europe led to all of the following except larger populations of Jews in eastern Europe.

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2. _______ was considered the basis for the Native Americans social structure.A) The Elderly.
B) Kinship.
C) Monotheism.
D) A mission.
3. A group of people that descended from a common ancestor is called a(n)
A) empire.
B) dynasty.
D) clan.
4. The Native Americans were able to preserve their customs and beliefs through.......
A) bartering.
B) migration.
C) war.
D) oral histories.
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A) religious rituals they performed
B) geography
C) trade routes
D) kinship
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A) Mexico
B) Scandinavia
C) England
D) Asia
7. The Mississippi River and the Great Lakes were considered
A) borders between tribes.
B) popular fishing sites along the Atlantic seaboard.
C) natural trade routes.
D) sacred burial sites.
8. Why was the family important in Native American society?
A) considered sacred in their religion
B) government required clans to stay together
C) issues related to inheritance
D) they provided for one another
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A) horses
B) buffalos
C) primitive canoes
D) land bridge
10. As a means of survival, the Native Americans:
A) relied on trade.
B) engaged in constant battle.
C) adapted to and lived off the land.
D) eventually migrated back to their homeland.


the answe to two is A and three is B and 10 is B