What is VJ-Day? What is VE-day


Answer 1
Answer: V-J Day stands for Victory in Japan day, it was when the Japanese surrendered after the dropping of the atomic bombs.

V-E Day stands for Victory in Europe day, it was when Germany surrendered.
Answer 2


V-E (Victory in Europe) Day, the end of the conflict with Hitler's Germany, came first. ... Three months later came V-J (Victory in Japan) Day, the end of the Pacific conflict with Japan. The news came in the evening of August 14, 1945.

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1.) George Washington
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There's no document provided, I'll answer to the best of my knowledge
The abolitionist John Brown attempted to garner attention and do his part to abolish slavery by murdering three individuals who supported slavery, and later tried to host an armed uprising where he would lead slaves to raid a federal army in Harper's Ferry. The attack was unsuccessful, and he was later executed. His actions were radical, and in my opinion very misguided and would only lead to more violence.

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I hope that helps you

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The correct answer is the third one.

The first human settlers in Oceania came from Southeast Asia. From them descend the current Australian Papuans and natives, which probably had to reach the Sahul continent using primitive rafts. The oldest fossil remains could be those of Mungo man in New South Wales (Australia), about 42,000 years old, as well as the archaeological remains of Bobongara in the Huon peninsula (Papua New Guinea), with about 40,000. On the other hand, the archaeological evidence of the use of plants in the mountains of New Guinea and the population genetic tests in native Australians and Papuans, agree that the settlement of Sahul had to be carried out about 46,000 years ago.

33,000 years ago, the island of New Ireland (Melanesia) was colonized and Buka Island (North Solomon Islands) 28,000 years ago, 18,000 years ago, New Guinea and Australia formed a single land mass inhabited by human beings. later the sea level rise isolated the populations into three groups: New Guinea, Australia and Tasmania (in addition to a few minor islands). These populations evolved separately under diverging ecological conditions and developed independent cultural patterns.

After my research I’ve came to  c.

What caused the treaty of greenville


The Treaty of Greenville was signed on August 3, 1795. It followed negotiations after the Native American loss at the Battle of Fallen Timbers a year earlier. It also ended the Northwest Indian War in the Ohio Country.

Hope I Helped!!!

The Chinese knew how to produce silk by about 2700 B.C. A.



True. An empress named Hsi-Ling discovered it while drinking tea one day. Then, a cocoon fell into her cup. She played with it and silk was discovered.
True, according to Chinese tradition the early production of silk dates back to approximately 2700 BC. However, it is believed that there are fragments of looms and other silk products that date back even further to potentially 3 or 4000 BC. Through the Chinese development of silk production came the famous "Silk Road" or the massive trade route that stretched from Asia into Europe where many goods were traded including of course, silk.