An effective persuasive speech will _____________ and ______________. a. anticipate selective exposure; appeal to the audience b. anticipate selective exposure; reveal bias c. reveal bias; appeal to the audience d. appeal to the audience; ask for large changes


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is D. Appeal to the audience; ask for large changes. A persuasive speech is not supposed to reveal bias because it's supposed to persuade you that the debated thing is a public good, something logical, not something you have bias for. It's supposed to appeal to the audience, either its logical or emotional side, and it's supposed to aks for people to support various types of changes.
Answer 2




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The correct answer to the question presented above is true. Laertes does jump into the grave before Hamlet does. He jumps into the grave first to hold Ophelia in his arms again and cursed at Hamlet before he did it. 
Hi there!

The answer to this question is True.

Your friend, ASIAX

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The combined sentence would be: 
The invention of the scuba regulator, a device that allows a diver to breathe compressed air from a tank, made underwater exploration possible for the average vacationer.

The second sentence is used as an appositive to the noun it directly describes, which is the "scuba regulator".

The West African nation of Liberia was founded under the auspices ofa. the American Peace Society.
b. Dorothea Dix.
c. the American Colonization Society.
d. William Lloyd Garrison.


The West African nation of Liberia was founded under the auspices of C) the American Colonization Society. This group was responsible for purchasing the land and moving freed slaves from America to this new African nation. 




The author most likely uses the word advanced to create a tone of:


The part of the Declaration of Independence is most clearly an example of pathos is when it calls King George III a “tyrant”. Pathos is an plea to an emotion and a way of believing the listeners of an argument by creating an emotional answer.

What does the speaker in this poem say will happen to "thy thoughts, when thou art gone"?Music, When Soft Voices Die (To--)
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Music, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory.--
Odors, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.--
Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
Are heaped for the beloved's bed--
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.



B. It compares the beloved's thoughts to rose leaves that live longer than the rose itself. #PlatoLivesMatter



answer is C- they will live on forever for the speaker


Answer for Edmentum

Email communication has its own set of etiquette guidelines for users to follow if they want to be effective communicators. Which of these is NOT one of these guidelines?


You should definitely not type your whole email in all capitals!

Also, you should keep you message brief, this is true: people receive a lot of emails and prefer to read them fast.

I think that the first option is correct (a): Emails don't usually have headings in the text: this would make them too long. 

(A) wasn't right for me :(