for which achievement is Suleiman the magnificent best known?



Answer 1
Answer: for me i think his conquest of land is the most significant 
he lead armies to take over Rhodes, part of Hungry and Belgrade 
greatly increasing the area of the Ottoman empire
his leadership skills are very noteworthy 
Answer 2
Answer: Conquest of land, like above answered said. Also uniting his kingdom

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Which statement about Kwame Nkrumah and Jomo Kenyatta is NOT true?A. both worked with political parties to bring freedom to their countries
B. both worked to win independence from British rule
C. both became the leaders of their countries and later passed power peacefully to successors
D. both traveled outside Africa to pursue education



Both fought for independence after violent uprisings in their countries


Final answer:

Kwame Nkrumah and Jomo Kenyatta both worked with political parties to bring freedom to their countries and both worked to win independence from British rule. However, only Jomo Kenyatta became the leader of his country and passed power peacefully to his successors.


The statement that is NOT true is C: both became the leaders of their countries and later passed power peacefully to successors.

While it is true that both Kwame Nkrumah and Jomo Kenyatta worked with political parties to bring freedom to their countries (Option A), and both worked to win independence from British rule (Option B), only Jomo Kenyatta became the leader of his country and passed power peacefully to his successors. Kwame Nkrumah, on the other hand, became the first prime minister and later the first president of Ghana, but his rule became increasingly autocratic and he was eventually overthrown in a military coup.

By traveling outside Africa to pursue education, both Kwame Nkrumah and Jomo Kenyatta gained knowledge and experience that influenced their political ideologies and strategies for independence. Kwame Nkrumah studied in the United States and the United Kingdom, while Jomo Kenyatta studied in the United Kingdom.

Where does the material to make silk fabric come from?Select the best answer from the choices provided.

A) the bark of trees
B) a secret factory
C) silk worm cocoons
D) a special breed of sheep


Well a while ago in China they found worms who created silk. (Silk worms) They used to trade it on roads to travelers but anyways I would go with C
Honey milk is right it is silk worms.

Who were the Medicis?a. a family of architects during the Renaissance who built famous buildings
b. a family of artists who produced much of the art in Italy during the 15th century
c. a wealthy banking family who virtually ruled Florence
d. a wealthy family of writers during the Renaissance


The correct answer is C. The Medicis were a wealthy banking family who virtually ruled Florence.

The Medicis were a powerful and influential Renaissance family in Florence whose members included three Popes, Leo X, Clement VII, and Leo XI; two queens of France, Catherine de Medici and Marie de Medici; in addition to numerous Florentine leaders and- members of the royal houses of France and England.

The initial power of the family emerged from banking. The Banca Medici was one of the most prosperous and respected banks in Europe. With this base, they acquired political power initially in Florence. Their power and influence then spread throughout Italy and the rest of the European continent.

Medici’s were a wealthy banking family who virtually ruled Florence.

Further Explanations:

Medici’s were the Italian family who were ruling Florence during the renaissance era. They were also known as the House of Medici’s who even ruled Tuscany amid 1434 to 1737. The family is credited for influencing the “Italian renaissance” through their patronage and humanism. Initially, they were bankers and wool traders having a very profitable business.  

The actual power of the family rose from banking and permitted them to establish their supremacy politically. Cosimo de' Medici was among the most influential banker and politician of that era. He was first from the house of Medici to decree Florence during the Italian Renaissance. His power overcame the reserves that he earned from banking. He was a pronounced supporter of art and architecture. The families also have three influential popes Leo XI, Leo X, and Clement VII and two queens “Catherine de Medici” and “Marie de Medici”.

Learn more :

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  2. Why did President Reagan call for soviet leader Gorbachev to “tear down” the berlin wall?
  3. Which of these was one of the few successes of the united states government under the articles of confederation?

Answer Details :

Grade: High school

Subject: US History

Chapter: Medici’s

Keywords: Cosimo de' Medici, Fatherland, bank officer , politician, Florence, Italian Renaissance, Florence, renaissance era, House of Medici’s, Tuscany, Leo XI, Leo X , Clement VII, Catherine de Medici, Marie de Medici, Florence,

What was revealed about Germany when the British intercepted the Zimmerman telegram?


When the British intercepted the Zimmerman telegram, they realized Germany was offering a diplomatic proposal for Mexico to become their ally during World War I in case the United States were ever to take up arms against the Germans. However, this outraged the American public including the president at the time which was Woodrow Wilson, and this led to speeding up of American armament and the declaration of war on Germany.

Germany was ready to increase their war effort with renewed submarine warfare, and wanted Mexico's help to keep the United States out of the war in Europe.


As Germany decided to resume unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic, the idea behind the telegram was that Mexico would engage in war with the United States, which would keep US forces and funding occupied on its own continent and prevent them from jumping into the war in Europe.

Here is the decoded text of the telegram sent by German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann to the German ambassador to Mexico, Heinrich von Eckardt:

  • We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace.

What was true about African Americans in the military?Most African Americans were deployed to the battle front.

African Americans were included in the army in 1940.

Few African American troops were segregated.

Most African Americans were deployed to support roles.


D. Most African Americans were deployed to support roles

the military was not officially de-segregated until after World War II. 


Most African Americans were deployed to support roles.


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