What are six words that end in the same sound as trees


Answer 1
Answer: Bees
 Or You Can Just Take The S Of All Of The And The S Off Trees And It Would Still Be The Same

Answer 2
Answer: memories,bees,knees,factories,keys,fees:D

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Write Scientific Fiction STory


                             Al to the Moon

It was a dark and stormy night.  My wife was out, the dogs had already
gone to sofa, and I didn't feel like any more Brainly.  As I shut down the
computer, I said to myself, "Self !  What else can we do for some fun ?"
I listened for an answer, but there was only the echo of crickets in the
stillness.  My self had no ideas either.  I decided to turn in early, and
started for the stairs.

That's when I saw it !  There, on the end table beside the sofa, the book
that my wife had been reading ... our dog-eared copy of the 19th Century
Jules Verne classic, "From the Earth to the Moon". 

"That's it !" I exclaimed.  "I've got a few hours before bed time !  I'll go
where no man has gone before, at least no man in the last 43 years !"

I went to the kitchen, made a sandwich, and put it in a bag with a
bottle of water.

I went to the front-hall closet and took out my heavy jacket.

Then I went to garage, rolled back the roof, climbed into the barrel,
fastened my seat belt, pushed the button, and braced myself, as
the spark ignited the package of smokeless powder underneath.

Less than two hours later, I was skipping around on the surface of the
Moon.  Down on Earth, it was the day of the New Moon, so up here,
I was treated to the awesome sight of the Full Earth in my sky.

After a while, I was beginning to get drowsy.  It was past my bedtime,
but that wasn't the worst part.  Since there is no air on the Moon, it
had been a few hours since the last time I took a breath, and I was
definitely beginning to feel it.  So, with regret, I climbed back into the
barrel, pushed the button, and was on my way home.

Of course the return trip was much quicker, because it was downhill
all the way.

                                 THE END

Which word describes the tone of the memoir, Barrio Boy, by galarza



Ernesto Galarza ("Barrio Boy") utilizes details to make the demeanor or tone of his memoir. He depicts his new school in America in detail contrasting it with his old school in Mexico to express his feelings toward the new school. He has different emotions too: intimidation, fear, unsureness.

The details focus upon the character is coming into another school without recognizing what's in the store since he doesn't talk the dialect nor does he think about their way of life.  

He expounds on how tall Miss Hopley and Miss Ryan were offering his tone of thanks and gratification for them just as recognizing their significance in his life. His tone all through the extract we read is that of gratefulness toward this school and how they enabled him to wind up "American" while remaining Mexican.

What is the best way to change the sentence below from active voice to passive voice?Presenters give awards to the winners at the elaborate ceremony held every year.


The best way to change the sentence "Presenters give awards to the winners at the elaborate ceremony held every year." from active to passive voice is by changing the subject of the sentence from "winners" to "awards". Thus the passive sentence would be "Awards are given to winners by presenters at the elaborate ceremony every years." To create a passive voice, the subject must change so that people are not doing an activity but that an activity is being done to people. 


The awards are given at an elaborate ceremony held every year.

Is waiter a common noun


Common nouns are general items and are the opposite of proper nouns.
(Proper nouns are specific items that are always capitalized, e.g., Burger King)

Waiter is a common noun.
Waiter a a common noun. Examples of common nouns are apple, orange, and pencil. Although, if you were talking about the company Apple, it would capitalized. This is because proper nouns are names used for an individual person, company, place, organization, so forth.  A waiter would therefore not be a proper noun. Common nouns are words used to express objects or concepts, as waiter.