Check My Answers? :P Which two Native American empires were conquered by the Spanish? (Points : 3)
Olmec and Toltec
Zapotec and Nazca
Maya and Olmec
**** Aztec and Inca

Which best describes the Columbian Exchange?
the influx of colonists who arrived in the New World from Europe
the development of trade routes between the New World and European nations
the movement of plants, animals, people, and diseases between the Old World and the New World

*** None of the Above
Which was a cause of the Protestant Reformation?
*** sale of indulgences
fall of Constantinople
Thirty Years' War
Council of Trent

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain for a number of reasons. Two advantages Great Britain had which were necessary for industrialization were
*** unstable politics and a small landmass

raw materials and a large workforce
abundant land and a small population

private wealth and a strong military
Reflect on the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence. Knowing that Choices have Consequences, by declaring independence and signing this declaration, what are some consequences the colonists might have faced, if Britain had won the revolution?   (Points : 3) ***      The Formation of the United States of America

       Being charged with Treason
       A promotion 

       The hassle of learning a new language


Answer 1
Answer: Assuming that the asterisks come before (not after) the chosen answer: Your first answer is correct, the last option (the Aztecs and the Incas). The Olmec civilization is one of the oldest Pre-Columbian civilizations, and ended well before the arrival of Europeans. The Maya civilization was greatly divided and weakened before the arrival of Europeans. The Aztecs were conquered by a Spaniard named Cortes and his troops, and the Incas were conquered by a Spaniard named Pizarro and his troops. Your second answer is incorrect. The Columbian Exchange wasn't only the trade of goods (including crops and animals), but also a diffusion of culture and disease (which played a large role in decimating indigenous populations who had no tolerance for these diseases). Your third answer is correct. The Protestant Reformation was a response to the abuse and corruption of the Catholic Church. For example, priests began to sell Indulgences, which meant that people could pay them to be forgiven for their sins (something made up by the clergy to make more money). Your fourth answer is incorrect. The correct answer is the second option, raw materials and a large workforce. An Industrial Revolution is when a country begins to produce a lot of goods and services in a small amount of time. To do so, it's imperative to have 3 things: land, labor, and capital. The second option has two of these requirements (raw materials come from land and the workforce makes up the labor). The larger the workforce and the more raw materials available, the more goods that can be produced.
Answer 2

Two Native American empires were conquered by the Spanish were Aztec and Inca.

Further Explanations:  

Aztec Empire was the ‘triple alliance empire’ of Mexico- Tlacopana, Tenochtitlan, and Texcoco city that extended in the ‘areas of valley’ of Mexico from 1428 until it was annexed by Spaniard. Despite, being a ‘coalition government’, the empire grew fast and it became a ‘dominant military base’. Throughout the attack, the empire was under the ‘supremacy of Tenochtitlan’ with other ‘alliances’ playing subsidiary roles.  

On the other hand, Inca Empire was the most lengthened empires of the ‘pre-Columbian era’ with advanced administrative and political structure. Cusco was its military, administrative, and administrative center. They were able to occupy a large part of western South America through peaceful assimilation. The declination of the empire started after the steeping of Spaniard in Central America. It is believed that during their era 90% of the populations were affected by diseases like measles, influenza, Diphtheria, and chickenpox.  

Learn more:

1. According to the Supreme Court, which of these most likely prompted the arrest of the protesters in Edwards v. South Carolina?

2. Though the outcomes of Schenck and New York Times differed, what did these decisions have in common? The government has a heavy burden to prove harm. The government can limit speech that causes harm. The government has unlimited power to limit speech. The government must follow the first amendment.

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Topic: Aztec and Inca Empire

Subject: Social Studies

Keywords: native, conquered, alliance, dominant military base, influenza, supremacy, diphtheria, subsidiary roles

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