What is the effect of the metaphor in these lines from a poem? Your mind and you are our Sargasso Sea, London has swept about you this score years And bright ships left you this or that in fee: Ideas, old gossip, oddments of all things, Strange spars of knowledge and dimmed wares of price. (from "Portrait d'Une Femme" by Ezra Pound) It creates a mysterious impression of the subject. It creates a straightforward impression of the subject. It creates a plaintive tone. It creates an exultant tone.


Answer 1
Answer: It creates a mysterious impression of the subject.

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Read the following sentences and answer the question that follows: All at once, pandemonium broke loose. ______________ the marching band came around the corner, dogs began barking, and the horses pulling the mayor's carriage began to run! Which word best completes the passage above?





All at once, pandemonium broke loose. Simultaneously, the marching band came around the corner, dogs began barking, the horses pulling the Mayors carriage began to run. This word maintains that all the occurrence happened at the same time.

Hmmmm.... I would say perhaps:
Shouting, the marching band blah blah blah
BECAUSE shouting would definately cause dogs to begin barking and horses running! I would imagine pandemonium includes shouting, especially since I just watched the RDMA's. (:
Hope this helps!! 

"In a republican nation, whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of first importance.."meaning???


If you want to lead a a republic government by opinions you must compromise with everyone and not by forced laws. If it helps understanding a republic government is a government led by people that is not biased.
In a democratic nation, the people are used to being led by reasonable people who have the gift of persuasion to their side of an argument if they have enough evidence to support it. We are not a people who want to be told what to do, when to do it and how to do it. We believe our minds are worth using and to that end, we have the right to research a problem or issue with all the resources available and come to a conclusion. Reasoning is part of coming to that conclusion about the government and the people in office. We have to discuss the issues and decide who is doing the best job of representing us. If we no longer use our reasoning power as citizens we have given in and become nothing more than a society of people with no rights.  (I think it means something like this.)

What are adjectives you can use to describe Paris?


Paris of Troy?
Impetuous, passionate, skilled. 

After meeting Helen, Menelaus' wife, Paris passionately falls in love with Helen due to her beauty. He impetuously decides too abduct Helen, and get her to to Troy (hence "Helen of Troy"). Paris' youthful recklessness leads to the Trojan War. Although Troy loses the war, Paris is able to defeat Achilles due to archery skills. 
Paris it is nice,pritty,romatic and it is calm and realxing

Which character from the short story “Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan is motivated by a desire to help his or her children be successful in life?


Meimei (means little sister in Chinese) is Waverly Place Jong in the story "Rule of the Game". She appeals to her mother, Lindo Jong's main motivation to help her children be successful in life. For Lindo Jong's part, she is motivated by a desire to see Meimei succeed.

The correct answer is Lindo Jong

Over a period of years, working your way to the top of your graduating class is an example of:long-term goals
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The correct answer is long-term

Short term would be something like passing the exam with a high mark, while management would be on devising a plan on how to manage your time. An impossible would be if you planned to do it without even being enrolled in the school.
either long-term goals or management goal....I'm pretty sure it's long term goals though

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There are two factors which influence Macbeth's decision to kill King Duncan: 1. his own growing ambition and the desire to become the next king; 2. his wife's insistence on killing the king so that he can become the next king.
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