True/False- the city of Raymond is a symbol of man's sinful state?


Answer 1
Answer: True
"If any man would come after me, let him deny himself ... Preach against the saloon in Raymond. 6. Become known as a friend and companion of the sinful people in the Rectangle.

Answer 2




All of these are getting 3 stars and I am worried

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object of a preposition


direct object

indirect object


Answer is D. Indirect subject.

As a general rule, really great novels contain A. complex plots.
  B. multiple settings.
  C. one main conflict.
  D. universal truths.


Universal truths

Further Explanation:

Writing a good book is something that every fiction writer aspires to and in order to write a good book, a writer should keep many things in his mind and always follow set standards for writing. First and foremost is the strong opening. A writer’s story doesn’t have to be the most exciting concept but a strong opening is a must in every story in order to keep the readers engaged.  

The opening of any novel or a story should always contain an introduction to the place, character and atmosphere and what will be the plot of that novel. Further, to write a good story, the writer should keep in mind that what does he wants to communicate to his readers through this story and for that he should include all the important points as well as many as universal truths as possible in the story. Effective dialogues are also essential for effective storytelling.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Writing a Novel

Subject: English

Keywords: Storytelling, English, Writing, Novels, Writers, Communicate, Dialogues, Effective, possible, Readers, Engaged.  

As a common rule, truly great novels contain universal truths. Universal truths in literature support writers to build a connection with readers.


The universal truth seems to also build the moral of the story or principle. One source that writers must connect with readers using universal truth is through emotion. This thing makes the novels can be great. Universal truth makes it easy for the readers to read it. Intrinsic elements of the literary works also make a novel good. There are numerous intrinsic elements of a literary work that you can see below:

• Setting

Time and place of the action are the settings of a literary work. The settings comprise all the details of a time and place - the year, the month, even the weather.

• Theme

The theme of a literary work is the main message, attention, or purpose. Themes can usually be stated as generalizations, or general statements, about life or people. Themes can be stated by the author directly although more often shown indirectly. When a theme is shown indirectly, the reader must find out the theme by looking thoroughly at what is expressed by the work about people or life.

• Plot

Conflict in the plot is the dramatic fight between two characters in a story.  Without it, plot won’t be there. Furthermore, there are types of conflict in the plot: character vs character, character vs nature, character vs society, and character vs self

• Point of View

Perspective from which a story delivered is called the point of view. It shows the narrator's relationship with the story.

1.  First-person can be determined by a character who uses “I” for the first-person pronoun.

2. Third-person limited point of view is the point of view or perspective where the writer uses pronouns in the form of third-person such as “he” and “she” to refer to the characters.


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

• As a general rule, really great novels contain?

Keywords : novels, universal truth

Subject  : English

Class  : 10-12

Sub-Chapter : Novels

You're least likely to feel that an internet source is reliable if the information is posted a. On behalf of a university department. B. On the website of a local university. C. Without a specific autgour. D. On the united states department of labor website


Reliable source means that presented information is backed up by some idea or concept. Working with the given answers, we can easily answer to that question. In our question we have to find that when information is unreliable on the internet. The answer C) information without a specific author is the correct one. In all other options, correspondingly universities and the State Department are the responsible organizations. In other words, authors.

The answer is C) You're least likely to feel that an internet source is reliable if the information is posted without a specific Author.

Romeo comments that Juliet looks just as beautiful in death as she did in life, with roses in her cheeks and lips. He doesn't realize that the "death" is just a potion that's wearing off. Instead, Why does he figure your Juliet is still so beautiful?


Because as know as in earlier in the play there is a comment "Would a rose by another name still smell just as sweet" meaning that if they looked different or had anything different as appearances they would still be the same lovely person on the inside so he is just saying that she is just as beautiful in death as in life because she is still the nice person she was when she was alive. So now she is no different then when she was alive.


Romeo says that death has no power against her beauty and now death has even claimed her as his bride.


Bruce was the candidate ___________ the eleventh grade supported. whom who


The answer would be whom 

You've settled on an idea for an essay to write. What should you do next? A. Conduct interviews, do some research, ask questions, and make a plan.
B. Plunge right in and start writing. Then create your outline from what you've written.
C. Ask the reference librarian to help you make a plan and prepare your outline.
D. Look up your topic in the Readers' Guide and use an article you find as a basis for your plan and outline.


So, you have an idea, but you don't yet have any material.

Before you write, you should collect some material!

You can do this for example by conducting interviews and research.

When you have some material, you should make a plan. 

The correct answer is
A. Conduct interviews, do some research, ask questions, and make a plan.