Which sentence contains an error in the use of hyphens? A. Her dad is pretty strict; he's an ex-marine. B. I could only run for a quarter-mile this morning. C. Kelly had a half-hour session with the physical therapist yesterday.


Answer 1
Answer: "C. Kelly had a half-hour session with the physical therapist yesterday" is the sentence that contains an error. Half hour needs not be hyphenated. It is simply two words.
Answer 2

Your answer is C. Kelly had a half-hour session with the physical therapist yesterday.

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What is the voice of the following sentence?The conductor leads the orchestra.





In the Active Voice, the Subjec of a sentence Performs an Action on an Object.  

-The subject is active carrying on an action (He leads the orchestra).

In active voice the word order is the usual, and the direct object, that which recieves the action of the verb usually comes at the end of the sentence.

In the Passive Voice, the Subject is Acted Upon  by an Object. To the contrary if the sentence was written in the passive it would be:

-The orchestra is lead by the conductor. In this case

In passive voice often the subject who performs the action is unimportant or unkown. For example..  The orchestra was lead but the name of the conductor seems to lack importance.

it's active voice
(because the passive voice is↪be+present perfect infinitive!!)

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the answer is c because you can see if you are using the word accurately it gives you example sentences to check your answers. 

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The charge of the light brigade tell the story of their glorious victory on the battle of bleinheim.
If you have to choose one word that represent the mood, i think it would be Joyful or happy

Hope this helps

Which sentence contains a dangling modifier?Jumping on the trampoline, my brother broke his leg.
Jumping on the trampoline, the applause began.
Jumping on the trampoline, I felt my hair flying around my face.
Jumping on the trampoline, Sarah suddenly felt sick.


The sentence which contains a dangling modifier is:

c. Jumping on the trampoline, the applause began.

Dangling means hanging or expressing incomplete thought which requires further details to expand the idea conveyed. The third sentence causes confusion to the readers because the two clauses do not justify each other.

Unlike Romeo, Friar Laurence deals with crisis fairly well when he has time to reflect. Given enough time, he can place whatever happened into his philosophical system and find comfort. In Act V, on two occasions, he has no time to reflect and must simply act. What does he do?


Friar Laurence melodramatically takes all the blame on himself.
He tells the guards to take him because he has already condemned himself, he thinks it is all his fault.


He takes the blame for everything that happened.


Friar Lorenz is a Franciscan, confidant of Romeo. He is portrayed in the plot as someone sensible who can act in moments of pressure quite rationally when he has time to reflect on something. However, in the last act of Romeo and Juliet, he, acting on impulse and emotion, takes the blame for the tragedy that happened to the young couple and asks to be arrested because his soul has already condemned him.

Do soda taxes improve public health



The study, which is the first to document the long-term impacts of a soda tax on drinking habits in the United States, provides strong evidence that soda taxes are an effective tool for encouraging healthier drinking habits, with the potential to reduce sugar-linked diseases like diabetes, heart disease and tooth decay.


No in my opinion I will say no because it’s bad for our health