In poetry, an iambic foot is made up of an unstressed followed by a stressed syllable, such as "he SINGS." True False


Answer 1




In poetry, the use of "iambs" as a meter form where the first syllable forms the unstressed part of the rhythm while the next syllable is the stressed part of the rhythm. In the above provided sentence "He sings", "he" is the unstressed syllable while like it is already written in the question, "SINGS" is already capitalized, thereby suggesting it is the stressed syllable. These two stressed and unstressed syllables are the most  important components of the metrical foot used in poetry.  "Iambs" represent the unstressed and stressed syllables in the poem in poetry.

Answer 2
Answer: I think it is true. He is unstressed while sings is stressed. THIS IS SHOWN BY THE CAPITAL LETTERS IN SINGS.

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A thesaurus contains synonyms for listed words. t/f


True. A thesaurus is a reference tool that contains synonyms (words with similar meanings) for listed words. It is commonly used to find alternative words or expressions that can be used in place of a particular word.

Thesauri also often provide antonyms (words with opposite meanings), related terms, and sometimes brief definitions or explanations of the words listed. By using a thesaurus, writers can enhance their vocabulary, avoid repetition, and choose the most appropriate word to convey their intended meaning.

However, it's important for writers to use a thesaurus judiciously and consider the context and nuances of the synonyms provided to ensure they are using them accurately and effectively.

Hence, the given statement is true.

Learn more about thesaurus here:


the other person that wrote here is wrong :(

the answer is true, as the dictionary is used to find meanings, and the thesaurus is used to find synonyms and antonyms :)

The craftsmen in the play speak in prose because A. Theseus would have forbidden them to use verse.
B. too much blank verse gets tiresome.
C. that kind of common language symbolizes their status in life.
D. it's the language of love.


The craftsmen in the play speak in prose because: that kind of common language symbolizes their status in life. Option C is correct.

I think that any craftsman would speak very posh and in a high register  language of poetry, hence they speak in prose, which is not that classy.

Prose is a form of language that conveys a natural flow of speech and grammatical structure instead of a regular rhythmic structure as in traditional poetry.

C. that kind of common language symbolizes their status in life. 

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The correct solution would be to make the verb agree with the subject closest to the verb. An example sentence to prove this might be: 'Neither her mother nor her friends were able to come to her party' the subject closest to the verb is 'friends' so were has to be used.

C)  Make the verb agree with the subject closest to the verb

Explain the following quote. Answer in complete sentences. An analogy is like instant coffee—it can wake you up, but it isn't the real thing." —Peter da Silva


Answer: it means an analogy is like a solution, but isn’t always the best solution or the most accurate.

Explanation: It means an analogy is a quick comparison but in the end it’s not the best solution. An analogy is like an instant coffee( best solution) , it can wake you up, but it isn’t the real thing( it’s not always so real in reality). What’s seems real on paper might not always be accurately real in reality. An analogy feels like an instant solution, it makes you feel you are “right” but it isn’t always the best solution or the most accurate.

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Svetlana would inherited her blue eyes from her mother and her love of scrap booking comes from her environment.

Both have blonde hair, a love of scrapbooking, blue eyes, and a thin nose.

The second sentence describes Svetlana’s traits because, as you probably know, traits are characteristics that belong to a person such as a person’s height, sense of humor, physical distinctions, etc.  That said one’s hair color, hobbies, eye color, and nose shape are all traits.  The first sentence does not describe anything.  All it says is that Svetlana is similar to her mother, which really tells us nothing by way of disclosing any trait because we know nothing of her mother.  

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Stories within novels are often referred to as subplots.

Subplots are the secondary plots which tell about the supporting part of the story. Often the supporting characters and themes are the part of the subplots. They add to the main plot of the novel to enhance the story and the important characters. Subplots rescue a novel to be monotonous in its approach through additional characters, themes, and plotlines.

A novella is a piece of literary work which is longer than a short story and shorter than a novel. There are fewer characters, conflicts, and complications in a Novella as compared to a Novel. But is much complex than a short story.

When a book or a group of events is divided into smaller fragments, it is known as chapters. Each chapter focuses on a certain topic with an end.

An incident or a part of the sequence is called an episode.

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