What is architecture


Answer 1

Architecture refers to the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. It encompasses the planning, design, and construction of spaces that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and suitable for human use. Architecture involves considerations such as spatial arrangement, materials, form, function, cultural influences, and environmental sustainability. Architectural designs can range from individual houses to large-scale urban planning projects and encompass various styles, techniques, and approaches.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. It involves the use of various elements such as form, space, light, materials, and textures to create functional and aesthetically pleasing structures.


Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructingbuildings and other physical structures. It encompasses the planning, designing, and construction of spaces that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and meet the needs of the people who use them.

Architecture involves the use of various elements such as form, space, light, materials, and textures to create structures that serve a purpose and evoke emotions. It combines creativity, technical knowledge, and problem-solving skills to create buildings that are not only visually appealing but also functional and sustainable.

Architects work closely with clients, engineers, and other professionals to bring their designs to life. They consider factors such as the site, climate, cultural context, and budget when designing buildings.

Architecture has a rich history and has evolved over time, reflecting the cultural, social, and technological advancements of different civilizations.

Learn more about definition of architecture here:



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