Write an alternative beginning and ending to to kill a mockingbird. Explain how these changes affect the course of the story. 250 words each


Answer 1

Alternative Beginning:

In this alternative beginning to "To Kill a Mockingbird," the story opens with a different perspective, focusing on the childhood innocence and curiosity of Scout and Jem. The initial scenes depict their daily adventures and the idyllic nature of their small town, Maycomb. The racial tensions and injustices that are central to the original story are initially absent, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the children's world. The alternative beginning highlights the themes of innocence, friendship, and the loss of childhood innocence, which will be explored throughout the story.

The change in the beginning affects the course of the story by establishing a stronger contrast between the innocence of Scout and Jem and the harsh realities of racism and prejudice they will later encounter. This contrast intensifies the impact of the injustices they witness and the moral lessons they learn, as readers are given a glimpse into the purity of their childhood before it is shattered by the harsh realities of the adult world.

Alternative Ending:

In this alternative ending to "To Kill a Mockingbird," after the trial of Tom Robinson, the community of Maycomb undergoes a significant transformation. Rather than accepting the unjust verdict and maintaining the status quo, the townspeople are moved by Atticus's impassioned defense and the truth that was revealed during the trial. Inspired by Atticus's bravery, they come together to challenge the deeply ingrained racism in their community.

The alternative ending affects the course of the story by offering a more hopeful and optimistic resolution. Instead of leaving readers with a sense of resignation and despair, it highlights the potential for change and growth within society. By showing the townspeople's willingness to confront their own biases and work towards a more just and inclusive community, the alternative ending presents a path towards progress and reconciliation.

Overall, these alternative beginning and ending alter the tone and trajectory of "To Kill a Mockingbird." While the original story focuses on the inherent flaws in society and the loss of innocence, the alternative beginning and ending emphasize the potential for growth, change, and the power of collective action. These changes offer a more nuanced and hopeful perspective on the themes of racism, justice, and the capacity for individuals to make a difference in their communities.

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This line in general has the effect of "helping create emotion" since it talks to the parts of the human mind that are more adept at this kind of writing, which is essential. 

The answer is: b. It adds to the suspense

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Answer: option A) analytical pattern.

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The process of dividing into parts to study the whole is called the analytical pattern. Option A is correct.

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Reference: Conversation with myself by Nelson Mandela. p. 35. London: Macmillan, 2010

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Answer? = c.) evaporation. 

When in doubt, eat a pineapple, trust me it helps :P

The Correct answer is condensation

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