Select the response that best answers the question. ¿Nos gusta comprar ropa?A. No, les gusta comprar ropa.
B. Sí, nos gusta comprar ropa.
C. No, no le gusta comprar ropa.
D. Sí, me gusta comprar ropa.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is B. Si, nos gusta comprar ropa. 

Answer 2
Answer: The correct response is B meaning we like buying cloth.

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a0 en la arena. (jugar)


The correct conjugation of the given sentence, assuming that it is in the present continuous tense is "Los chicos están jugando en la arena."

What is Conjugation?

This refers to the variation of verb forms in order to indicate gender, time, number, etc in a given sentence.

Hence, we can see that from the base word which is "jugar", we need to show the action of the boys and we assume this is in the present continuous form, so the answer is "Los chicos están jugando en la arena."

Read more about conjugations here:


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son esa es la respuesta

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his is the dialect of urban mainland Mexico, Florida, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and the majority of Central and South American countries. While there are differences in how Spanish is spoken amongst people in these countries, Latin American Spanish is usually referred to as thus in order to differentiate between it and the Spanish spoken in Spain. The difference is similar to English as it is spoken in England vs the U.S.; U.S. English speakers can understand each other with little effort even though someone from the Midwest speaks very differently than a person from the Northeast or a person from the Southeast.
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The answer would be C. fueron
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En las costas de Venezuela hay muchos castillos y fuertes. All of them were build with military purposes.

Uno de ellos es el Fortín Solano que fue construido en 1766, which is a military fortress. Don José Solano y Bote ordered its construction, it's located in Carabobo State, its function was to protect the city from naval attacks, and the mercantilistic activity towards the sea.

La Isla de Margarita es un destino turístico muy importante. This is the most famous turistic destinations in Venezuela, an island surrounded by the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea.

Porlamar es la capital comercial de esta isla, la Isla de Margarita. In Porlamar is the principal economy center and its the urban center of the island.

En el Parque Nacional Canaima hay treinta y ocho grandes tepuyes, which are especially steep plateaus, it's a weird but amazing geologic formation.

Tepuy significa montaña o morada de los dioses en la lengua de los indígenas piaroa de la región.

El Salto Angel, la catarata más alta del mundo, esta en Auyantepuy, this name from indigenous languages means "the devil's mountain", "la montaña del diablo". This tepuy located in Bolivar State, inside the Canaima National Park.