What does appeasement mean?


Answer 1
Answer: To bring to a State of peace or quiet
Answer 2
Answer: The process of appeasing is known as appeasement

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The answer is a.  Theyare groups who represent certain interest or concerns in society.  This can range from education, crime, health,trade etc.  They want to government toprioritize their concerns and interests. They do either through meeting with government representatives or somecases through mass actions.  Governmentrecognizes the impact that interest groups have in politics.  If government does nothing to address theirconcerns, would either pressure them or simply withdraw their support.  These people will then campaign for opponentsof present officials during election period and get them elected since they canbest serve their interest.

What changes did delhi agreement bring in the country? Do you call the outcome of the agreement a political revolution ? Why or why not? Discuss.



  • Define Delhi agreement

:Delhi agreement refers to the tripartite agreement done among three parties i.e Nepali Congress , King Tribhuwan & Ranas in order to establish democracy by ending the Rana rule.

  • What changes did Delhi agreement bring in the country?

: Some of the changes that Delhi agreement brought in the country are mentioned below :

1. It brought the democratic system of governance into practice.

2. It increased the level of political awareness of the Nepalese people and granted them with the rights and freedom.

3. Interim Government Act , 2004 was formulated and implemented which led Nepal to the constitutional era .

4. Nepal established the diplomatic relationship with other countries , obtained the membership of UNO and got exposure in the international arena.

5. Many developmental works were introduced and administrative sectors were reformed. Provision of able and qualified people to be appointed was developed.

  • Do you call the outcome of the agreement a political revolution ?Why or Why not ?

: Despite the fact that Delhi agreement ended the autocracy & hukumi shasan and established the democracy in the country , this agreement was unable to address the will and aspiration of general people fully and Mohan shumsher was again appointed as a Prime Minister who was against the spirit of movement. So , I cannot call the outcome of the agreement a political revolution.



Describe 3 roles of UNICEF


One role was it was a relief for children during World War II. Another role is that UNICEF helps children start a better life, basically helping the lives of children who had risks in their own country

What should be a future effect upon the economy if a expansionary fiscal policy continues in an economy with an increasing budget deficit and growing national debt?


Expansionary fiscal policy and budget deficit mean that there will be more money in the economy, but it does not reflect the fact that the economy is stronger that there is actually more value in the economy.

The situation when more money enters but not more goods and producs enter is leading to inflation - this is the correct answer.

If expansionary fiscal policy continues in an economy with an increasing budget deficit and a growing national debt, such an economy will experience high inflation.

Expansionary fiscal policy means an increase in government spending. In other words, fiscal policy is when the government commits or spends more money on infrastructure or other budget items or lower taxes that lead to an increase in government spending.

Further Explanation

When a government spends more money on budget items, it will result in a higher budget deficit and also increases the country’s national debt leading to high inflation.

However, high inflation can affect the economy of a country in many negative ways.

  • It results in market uncertainties
  • It leads to unemployment
  • It prevents investors from making informed decisions about their investment
  • It may also lead to an unbalanced in international trade
  • It also affects foreign exchange rates.

Fiscal Policy is when the government uses the budget to improve the economy such as imposed taxes and government spending. However, the policy is considered expansionary if the government increases its spending or lowers the taxes and it iscontractionary if the government reduces its spending or increases the taxes.

Most countries usually introduce contractionary policies to tackle rising inflation.


  • What should be a future effect upon the economy if a expansionary fiscal policy continues in an economy with an increasing budget deficit and growing national debt? brainly.com/question/12307763
  • How does expansionary monetary policy increase spending in the economy compared to how expansionary fiscal policy increases spending in the economy?  brainly.com/question/7409925


  • expansionary fiscal policy
  • budget deficit
  • growing national debt
  • contractionary fiscal policy
  • high inflation

Which of the following could be described as very far left supporters?a. Liberals
c. Conservatives
b. Radicals
d. None of the above


People who would be called as very far left supporters would be A - liberals. 

These are people who would like to see the nation progressing in various ways. Although this has been disputed more than onnce due to the random claisms that have been made from their positions in the past. 

Who benefits from stagflation?a. Politicians
b. Consumers
c. Nobody
d. Economists


No one (C) benefits from stagflation. Stagflation is the name given to the economic conditions of high unemployment and a slowing economic growth. This means that things are becoming increasingly more expensive, more people are out of work, and the economy is shrinking. This is a highly undesirable economic situation to be in.