How did the Scientific Revolution provide humans with a greater understanding of the world around them?


Answer 1


It replaced the Greek view of nature that had dominated science for almost 2,000 years. The Scientific Revolution was characterized by an emphasis on abstract reasoning, quantitative thought, an understanding of how nature works, the view of nature as a machine, and the development of an experimental scientific method.

Note: The Bolded and Underlined part is the Answer I've put more to the answer to make it Cleat

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A lavish kingdom is: a. dry and barren
c. full of hatred
b. full of abundance
d. happy



b. full of abundance


A lavish kingdom makes reference to different things but mostly it refers to a wealthy kingdom that can afford to have luxury and is prosperous in several different areas, lavish means well elaborated and impressive thus a lavish kingdom would be prosperous and wealthy, with beautiful cities and great architechture.

B) lavish means luxurious, full, and wealthy- so it is a city with abundant resources and happiness

Saudi Arabias monarchy, most government positions are held by. A. Muslim religious leaders
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C. Local tribal chiefs
D. Elected politicians



the kings family members



b kings family


the king rules over so his family is royalty and will have high authority in the government

Fundamentally, the dispute between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton during the Washington administration came down to the fact that


Fundamentally, the dispute between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton during the Washington administration came down to the fact that Hamilton wanted the national government to be far more powerful, while Jefferson believed the states should retain most of the power. 


Fundamentally, the dispute between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton during the Washington administration came down to the fact that both Founding Fathers had different views regarding economy and political organization of the government.


Hamilton, although of humble origin, developed an urban and sophisticated worldview, and was appointed Secretary of the Treasury by George Washington, of whom he was an assistant during the War of Independence, and who had him as the most outstanding intellectual of his cabinet. Hamilton defended the need for a strong central government that would stimulate commerce and industry. He set up a federal central bank to spread credit, given that the Constitution did not prohibit it, and proposed protectionist tariffs to develop the national productive apparatus by making foreign imports more expensive.

Jefferson, on the other hand, distrusted a strong central government, while postulating the idea of ​​a virtuous republic, subject to the control of society and supported by small farmers. He thought it was better to distribute power among states and local entities to protect individual rights from the risk of tyranny, his greatest terror. Apart from its explicit rejection of indebtedness that future generations would have to pay by means of taxes, his argument against the great federal bank dismantled and reversed Hamilton's reasoning: as the 1787 Constitution did not expressly authorize the creation of that credit institution, the government should not found it. For Jefferson, the limits of legality were very clear: the government could only do what the law ordered; society, on the other hand, could do everything that the law did not prohibit.

Tenement apartments at the beginning of the twentieth century were?


Tenement apartments at the beginning of the twentieth century were typically overcrowded, poorly maintained, and often lacked basic amenities.

They were a common form of urban housing in many American cities during this time period. Here are some key characteristics of tenement apartments in the early 1900s:

  1. Overcrowding: Tenement apartments were known for their high population density. Families and sometimes multiple families would often share small, cramped living spaces, leading to overcrowding and unsanitary conditions.
  2. Poor Sanitation: Tenements often lacked proper sanitation facilities. Indoor plumbing and bathrooms were often absent, forcing residents to use communal outhouses or share bathroom facilities with multiple other families.
  3. Lack of Ventilation: Many tenement apartments had poor ventilation, leading to stuffy and unhealthy living conditions. Limited access to fresh air and natural light contributed to health problems among residents.
  4. Fire Hazards: Tenement buildings were often constructed with cheap, flammable materials, and they lacked adequate fire safety measures. This made them susceptible to fires, and tragic fires were not uncommon in these buildings.
  5. Deteriorating Infrastructure: Many tenement buildings were old and poorly maintained, with landlords often neglecting necessary repairs and renovations. This resulted in deteriorating infrastructure and unsafe living conditions.
  6. Immigrant Populations: Tenements were frequently occupied by immigrant families, as they were often the most affordable housing option for newcomers to the United States. These buildings became centers of immigrant communities in cities like New York.

Learn more about amenities:


in the beginning of 20th century, tenement apartments were smaller and dangerous. Back then, tenement apartments are usually resided by people that's considered in lower class economy. 1 Apartment usually consisted of 2 or more family and a lot of crime happened in Tenement Apartments' area

To convince North Vietnam to stop reinforcing the Vietcong, President Johnson ordered Operation Rolling Thunder, which _____.


To convince North Vietnam to stop reinforcing the Vietcong, President Johnson ordered Operation Rolling Thunder, which greatly amplified troop movements in the region.

The correct answer is A) began a sustained bombing campaign.

To convince North Vietnam to stop reinforcing the Vietcong, President Johnson ordered Operation “Rolling Thunder” which began a sustained bombing campaign.  

President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered Operation “Rolling Thunder” to To convince North Vietnam to stop reinforcing the Vietcong. The operation consisted in sustained bombing campaign by the U.S. Air Force, the Navy, and the Republic of Vietnam Air Force. The air raid bombing attack started in March 1965 and ended in November 1968. Those sad incidents were part of the Vietnam War.

The other options of the question were, b) put more American troops on the ground, c) involved seek and destroy missions to hunt down guerrillas, and d) increased the number of American advisers in South Vietnam.  

How have we gained knowledge of the first inhabitants of North America


we have learned about the first inhabitants of north america from the work of archaeologists.