What would happen if cytokinesis occurred without mitosis?


Answer 1
Answer: If this occurred the cells won't have the same DNA

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We need blood because it carries oxygen and helps us sustain life. The organ that pushes blood through the body is the heart.

Final answer:

Blood is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells, eliminating waste products, aiding in our immune response, and carrying hormones. The heart is responsible for pushing blood through the body using muscular contractions.


Blood is a crucial part of our body's operating system. It has several key roles, including delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells, removing waste products, aiding in our immune response, and facilitating hormone transportation. The organ that pushes blood through your body is the heart. The heart's muscular walls contract, creating pressure and pushing blood through a network of veins and arteries in a process known as circulation.

Learn more about blood and heart here:



Much like a cell , a virus is able to


Similarly to cells, viruses can spread and grow, as well as mutate. They can change what they do becoming even more deadly or they can become immune to medicine. They can also spread from cell to cell, then from people to people, change the way they spread as they mutate, and many many other things that are usually bad for humans.

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Hey There!

Basic units of all forms of life is D, the cell. Cells can be found in any living thing.

Have A Brainly Day :)

When seeds are carried to new locations we call this


Seed Dispersal is when seeds are carried to new locations.

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Bacteria, virus, moss, you,  lettuce

, the air, bread, a lemon seed (kind of asleep tho)

1. The greek philosopher Democritus coined what word for a tiny piece of matter that cannot be divided?A. Element
B. Atom
C. Electron
D. Molecule

2. According to John daltons Observations, when elements combine in a compound,
A. the ratio of their Masses is always the same.
B. each element contributes an equal number of atoms
C. their volumes are always equal.
D. their masses are always equal


For your first question, the correct answer is B. Atom.
And for the second question, the correct answer is A.