The view that cultures, like organisms, changed through time is called___________


Answer 1

Answer: Cultural Evolutionism.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Cultural evolution is the theory that cultures change over time, similar to the evolution seen in biological organisms. It is based on the idea that cultures evolve and adapt to their environment and circumstances. An example is a transition from hunting-gathering society to an agricultural one based on the available land resources.


The view that cultures, like organisms, change over time is called cultural evolution. This theory posits that societal changes and developments happen gradually over time, analogously to the evolutionary changes seen in biological organisms. The concept of cultural evolution originates from 19th-century anthropology and was heavily influenced by Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. While there are debates and variations within this theory, at its base, it suggests that cultures evolve and adapt to their environment and circumstances, with these changes advantaging certain societies and helping them to succeed and prosper.

For instance, a culture that originally practiced hunting and gathering may evolve into an agricultural society when it encounters a fertile and productive land. This evolution of culture and society is not linear or inevitable, but dependent on a multitude of factors, including environmental, economic, and social conditions.

Learn more about Cultural Evolution here:


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Thank you to any answers!


a) 23.4 Kcal is the energy will the 3° consumers receive.

b) 46700 Kcal is the energy producers have.


The energy value is given for the trophic levels. There is a 10 % rule of energy transfer which is applicable to the producers and consumers in the energy pyramid. According to it 10 % energy is transmitted to upper level in a pyramid while 90% gets dissipated in the form of heat.

Energy of producer = 23400 kCal

energy transferred to tertiary consumer = ?

At first the energy transferred to primary consumer is calculated as:

10 % of 23400 Kcal

(10)/(100) x 23400

energy transferred to primary consumer = 2340 Kcal

energy transferred to secondary consumer:

10% of primary consumer energy

(10)/(100) x 2340

= 234 Kcal

energy transferred to tertiary consumer:

10% of energy of secondary consumer

(10)/(100) x 234

= 23.4 Kcal

Tertiary consumer will recieve 234 Kcal of energy.

b) Energy of secondary consumer is 467 Kcal

energy of producers =?

energy of producer was 100 times the energy of secondary consumer

467 x 100

= 46700 Kcal.

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walls: in arteries walls are thick veins walls are thin...
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A fox sees a piece of carrion being thrown from a hawk's nest and rushes to snatch it. The nest is 14.0 m high, and the carrion is thrown with a horizontal velocity of 1.5 m/s. The fox is 7.0 m from the base of the tree. What is the magnitude of the fox's average velocity if it grabs the carrion in its mouth just as it touches the ground? (Assume no air resistance and that ay = g = 9.81 m/s2.)


vertical d = 1/2 gt±² 
14.0 = 0.5(9.81)t² 
t² = 14.0/(0.5)(9.81) 
t² = 2,85 
t = 1.69 sec 

horizontal distance traveled by carrion in t = 1.69 sec 
d = vt 
d = (1.5)(1.69) 
d = 2.53 m 

fox must travel horizontally = (7.0 - 2.5) = 4.5 m in t = 1.69 sec. 
fox speed (avg) = 4.5/1.69 = 2.7 m/s to catch carrion ANS