3. Let A = {1, 5, 7, 11}. Show that (A, *) is a group, where * is a binary operator defined as x * y = (x ⋅ y) mod 24. Determine the identity and the inverse of each element. 4. Consider the group A in Exercise 3, a. Prove or disprove that A has a subgroup of order 2. b. Prove or disprove that A has a subgroup of order 3.


Answer 1


To show that (A, *) is a group, we need to verify four conditions: closure, associativity, identity, and inverses.

1. Closure: For any x, y in A, x * y = (x ⋅ y) mod 24. Since the product of any two elements in A is also in A, closure is satisfied.

2. Associativity: The binary operator * is associative if (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) for all x, y, z in A. Since multiplication and modulo operations are associative, the binary operator * is also associative.

3. Identity: An identity element e in A should satisfy x * e = e * x = x for all x in A. Let's check each element in A:

1 * 1 = (1 ⋅ 1) mod 24 = 1 mod 24 = 1 (not the identity)

5 * 5 = (5 ⋅ 5) mod 24 = 25 mod 24 = 1 (not the identity)

7 * 7 = (7 ⋅ 7) mod 24 = 49 mod 24 = 1 (not the identity)

11 * 11 = (11 ⋅ 11) mod 24 = 121 mod 24 = 1 (not the identity)

None of the elements in A satisfy the condition for an identity element, so (A, *) does not have an identity element.

4. Inverses: For each element x in A, there should exist an element y in A such that x * y = y * x = e, where e is the identity element. Since (A, *) does not have an identity element, it also does not have inverses.

Therefore, (A, *) does not form a group.

For exercise 4:

a. To prove that A has a subgroup of order 2, we need to find two elements in A whose binary operation results in the identity element (which we determined does not exist). Therefore, A does not have a subgroup of order 2.

b. To prove that A has a subgroup of order 3, we need to find three elements in A whose binary operation results in the identity element (which we determined does not exist). Therefore, A does not have a subgroup of order 3.

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2.Information Management


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The given statement is "False".


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took it on Edge.




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I'm going to assume this is Java, because you said "method" meaning it will be some sort of object oriented language, and Java's really common. Here would be the full program, but you can just take the method out isolated if you need it.

package lastname;

public class LastName {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // Example usage:

       String name = LastName.lastName("Garrett Acord");


       // Output: Acord G.


   public static String lastName(String fullName)


       String[] splitName = fullName.split(" ");

       return String.format("%s %s.", splitName[1], splitName[0].substring(0,1) );





Your program must define and call the following function that returns the number of times the input character appears in the input string. int CountCharacters(char userChar, string userString)



The program to this question can be given as:


#include <iostream>  //header file

using namespace std;  //using name space.

int CountCharacters(char userChar,string userString) //define function.


int count = 0;  //define variable

for (int i=0;i<userString.length();i++) //loop

if (userString[i]==userChar)  //if block

count++;  //increment the value.

return count;  //return value.


int main()  //main method.


   string userString= "Clanguage";  //define variable and assign value.

   char userChar = 'a';   //define variable and assign value.

   cout << CountCharacters(userChar,userString);  //calling function and print value.  

   return 0;  





  • In the above C++ programming language program we define a function that is "CountCharacters". Inside function parameters, we pass two parameters that are "userChar and userString". The userChar is a char variable that holds single character value and userString is a string variable that holds a string value.
  • In the function, we define an integer variable that is "count". This variable counts the match value and returns its value.
  • To counts values, we define a loop in a loop we use if statement that counts the value that how many time it occurs in a string value and return its value.
  • In the main method, we define these variables ("userChar and userString") and assign values that are "a and Clanguage " and call the function and print function return value.