CRISPR-Cas9 technology is very innovative and made a breakthrough in biomedical science. What aspect of CRISPR-Cas9 making special from traditional PCR-based base changes? Briefly describe.


Answer 1
Answer: Here we go I got this for you:

CRISPR-Cas9 technology is indeed groundbreaking in biomedical science, and its key distinction from traditional PCR-based base changes lies in its precision and versatility.

**Precision:** CRISPR-Cas9 allows for highly specific and targeted modifications to an organism's DNA. It can precisely edit or replace individual DNA sequences with a high degree of accuracy. In contrast, traditional PCR-based methods are less precise and can introduce unintended mutations.

**Versatility:** CRISPR-Cas9 can be used not only to introduce base changes but also to perform a wide range of genetic manipulations, including gene knockout, gene activation, and gene insertion. It offers a versatile toolkit for genetic engineering and gene therapy applications. Traditional PCR-based methods are primarily focused on amplifying and sequencing DNA, lacking the versatility for such precise genome editing.

In summary, CRISPR-Cas9's precision and versatility make it a revolutionary tool for genetic editing, going beyond the capabilities of traditional PCR-based methods.

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B. Herbivorous.

Hope this helped!:)
 I believe the answer is b.

Which of the following types of models would be most effective to demonstrate the relationship between distance and time? a. idea model
b. physical model
c. computer model
d. none of the above


Out of the following types of models, the most effective to demonstrate the relationship between distance and time is the idea model. 

Answer: Option A Idea model


  • In science, a model is used to represent an idea, an object or even a process or a system and all of these are used to explain the phenomena that are difficult to be experienced directly.
  • There are many scientific models that are used and one of them is an idea model.
  • An idea model is a scientific model which is used to study relationships between variables that can either be graphed or placed into an equation.
  • Since time and distance are the variables that can be both plotted on a graph and placed into an equation, their relationship is represented by an idea model.

How are proteins and nucleic acids related?A.) They both provide energy.
B.) They both carry genetic information.
C.) The structure of proteins is determined by nucleic acids.
D.) The subunits of nucleic acids are also the subunits of proteins.


I believe the correct answer is C.) The structure of proteins is determined by nucleic acids.


To understand this answer, we have to go back to a process called protein synthesis which occurs in the ribosome of a cell. To make the proteins, transcription of DNA to mRNA first occurs in the nucleus. A process called translation then occurs which is just reading the mRNA to understand the message it contains. mRNA is usually single stranded and has bases that code for specific amino acids that build up proteins. Making the mRNA from DNA is the first phase of DNA synthesis called transcription. A strand of mRNA is created and complements the strand of DNA. For Example, if the DNA coding was GAC ACT GAC, the complementary mRNA will be CUG UGA CUG. C complements for G, U complements for A and G complements for C. UAGCT are nitrogenous bases or the nucleic acids found in RNA and DNA. Transcription is divided into initiation where an enzyme called RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region signaling the DNA to unwind to enable the enzyme RNA polymerase to read of the 2 strands that make the DNA. Elongation is the second step where nucleotides are added the strand of mRNA with the complementary bases. Termination is the last step and the mRNA strand that complements the DNA is fully completes so it cuts away from the DNA. Translation of the mRNA then occurs so that a protein can be made. The mRNA leaves the nucleus and enters into the ribosome that reads the codons in the mRNA and molecules of tRNA carry amino acids into the ribosome according to how the codons of mRNA are arranged. In end, when the ribosomes translate to the terminating codon, the process of translation ends and a protein is made with amino acids arranged in the correct sequence.

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Level: High School

Subject: Biology

Topic: The cell

Option (C) The structure of protein isdetermined by nucleic acids is correct answer.

Further Explanation:

The protein is an elongated chain of amino acids that are a necessary part of all living organisms. Protein is the basic structural element of body tissues such as muscles, hair, etc. nucleic acids are macromolecules that store genetic data and modify protein production. Proteins are classified as primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary proteins according to the types of bonds present in the structure as well as its complexity.

Deoxyribonucleicacid and ribonucleicacid are the nucleic acids composed of nucleotides. The DNA present within the cell's nucleus transcribes itself to make RNA and the RNA translates to make a protein. Carbohydrates are the primary supply of energy within the body. Nucleic acids are nowhere involved in providing energy to the body. The nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) carry the genetic data in an organism. The nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides thymine, adenine, cytosine, uracil, and guanine. Twenty amino acids randomly made up the protein. Some examples of amino acids are alanine, glycine, proline, glutamine, tyrosine, etc. So, the subunits of nucleic acids don't seem to be the subunits of proteins.

Thus, the nucleic acids determine the structure of proteins formed.

Learn more:

Learn more about proteins

Learn more about DNA

Learn more about replication

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Molecular basis of inheritance.


Nucleotides, adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, uracil, amino acids, alanine, glycine, proline, DNA, RNA, central dogma of molecular biology, translation, transcription.

A particular gene does NOT constantly churn out the same protein at all times in every cell. This is true for two reasons. First, _____ can allow one gene to produce several different proteins. Second, genes are constantly being turned on and off through the process of _____.


mRNA processing and Gene regulation


  • A particular gene does NOT constantly churn out the same protein at all times in every cell. This is true for two reasons. First, mRNA processing can allow one gene to produce several different proteins. Second, genes are constantly being turned on and off through the process of gene regulation.

The process by which a pre-mRNA undergo various  modification so that it can become a mature RNA is called RNA processing . During RNA processing, splicing is an important step. During splicing, the introns are precisely excised and exons are ligated together. A process of alternative splicing is excised by which more than one mRNA species can be produced from a single pre-mRNA. Thus mRNA processing is the method that allows  a gene to produce different proteins. secondly, the regulation of genes initiate the control of gene products.

Relate the human genome to blueprints for a house?


A genome is an organisms complete set of DNA. DNA is what makes you, you. It provides the "blueprints" for what proteins need to be created in order to make each organism. Thus, the human genome is like the blueprints of a house as they are both the starting point for each new creation.

The thermospheremesospherestratosphereozonosphere is the coldest layer of the atmosphere.


The mesosphere is the coldest layer of the atmosphere.
Hope that helped you.