What three systems supply most of the world's food?


Answer 1


Croplands, range lands, pastures


Answer 2
Answer: Croplands,rangelands, pastures

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What part of the tooth bears the force of chewing?A. crown
B. enamel
C. pulp
D. cementum


Final answer:

The enamel, which is the hard, outer layer of our teeth, bears the force of chewing. It serves as a barrier against decay, and withstands the force and pressure exerted during the chewing process.


The part of the tooth that bears the force of chewing is the enamel. Enamel is the hard, outer surface layer of our teeth that serves as a protective barrier against decay. Though it is a very hard substance, enamel can be worn down with constant exposure to acids and certain foods. When we chew, our teeth work to breakdown food into smaller pieces, this action is borne primarily by the enamel. It is the enamel that withstands the force and pressure exerted during the chewing process and protects the interior parts of the tooth (dentin, pulp, cementum).

Learn more about Tooth Enamel here:



Final answer:

The enamel, which is the hardest and most highly mineralized part of the human body, handles the force of chewing. It protects the inner, softer areas of the tooth from damage due to chewing and biting. It's crucial to look after your enamel to prevent problems like cavities and other dental issues.


The part of the tooth that bears the force of chewing is the enamel. The enamel is the hardest and most highly mineralized substance in the human body. It forms the outermost layer of the tooth and is responsible for protecting the softer tissues inside the tooth from the impact of biting and chewing. The enamel's main function is to withstand the great forces exerted when we chew and grind food, and as such, it needs to be remarkably strong and durable.

In contrast, the crown refers to the visible part of the tooth, the pulp contains the tooth's nerves and blood vessels, and the cementum covers the root of the tooth and helps anchor the tooth to the jawbone.

It is essential to take care of your enamel by practising proper oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing regularly, to prevent wear and tear, dental cavities, and other dental issues that can weaken the enamel.

Learn more about tooth enamel here:



Which scientist created tests that helped confirm that bacteria and other microorganisms cause a variety of diseases


Robert Koch is the scientist who created tests that helped confirm that bacteria and other microorganisms cause a variety of diseases. He is a German physician and a microbiologist who is known in identifying specific causative agents in a number of illnesses which includes cholera, tuberculosis and anthrax. Due to this contribution to medicine, he received a Nobel Prize in 1905.

Hi there!

Answer: Robert Koch

Explanation: In 1890, Robert Koch created a series of test to assess the germ theory of disease. In 1676, bacteria was first observed by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. In 1859, Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation and developed the germ theory of disease. In 1910, Paul Ehrlich created the first synthetic antibiotic.

Hope this helps!

The fluid in the cell is the:cell membrane





the fluid is call cytoplasm




Explain why Omaha which is further inland has a greater variation in temperature throughout the year then Eureka which is closer to the ocean


the areas around the coastal belt of an ocean generally shows less variations in its temperature. the reason is the amount of humidty in the air. the presence of water vapours in the air keeps the temperature from variating too much. also the sea breeze blowing keeps the humidity intact and that in turns keeps the temperature steady.since omaha is located farther from the coast,it shows more variation because there is less humidity in the air. where as eureka which is closer to the sea shows less variation because it has more humidity

Differences between photosynthesis and cellular respiration


1) Photosynthesis is where glucose is produced while respiration is where glucose is broken down
2) Photosynthesis is endothermic while respiration is exothermic
3) Respiration may need oxygen to occur while Photosynthesis produces oxygen as a by-product
4) Photosynthesis only occurs in organisms that produce chlorophyll (plants and cyanobacteria) while respiration occurs in most cells.
Photosynthesis creates oxygen as a product cellular respiration used oxygen to create carbon dioxide

What is one example of a closed economy


The closed economy is a self sufficient economy. The countries following a closed economy system does not involve in the import and export of goods from other nations.  In these countries, all the goods are produced in the country is consumed within the country itself.

Brazil is a country, which can be said as closed economy as Brazil imports a very item from other nations. A Complete close economy system is not present in any country yet.

In real world, the fully closed economies do not exist but the most closed economy is Brazil.

Further Explanation:

Types of economies:

There are two types of economy namely open economy and closed economy. Open Economy has trade relation with other countries but closed economy is that economy that does not have any trade with other countries.

The characteristics of closed economy are:

• It does not exports services and goods to the foreign countries or imports services and goods from the foreign countries.

• It does not buy debentures, shares, and bonds from foreign countries or sells debentures, shares, and bonds to foreign countries.

• It does not borrow from the foreign countries or lends to the foreign countries.

• It does not receive gifts from foreign country citizens  or sends gifts to foreign country citizens

• The residents of the closed economy cannot work in other countries.

Therefore, in real world, the fully closed economies do not exist but the most closed economy is Brazil.

Learn more:

1.      Learn more about the demand and supply


2.      Learn more about the size of the economic pie


3.      Learn more about the economy of Iceland


Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Economics

Chapter: Types of economy

Keywords: What is one example of, a closed economy, Types of economy, Brazil, foreign country, open economy.