The main steps of digestion in humans are __________, __________, __________, _________ and __________. Fill in the blank. Topic: Nutrition in Animals


Answer 1

Answer: The main steps of digestion in human are ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and excretion


Ingestion is the process where food is taken into the body through the mouth.

Digestion is the process by which the food is broken down into nutrients and waste. This take place in the stomach and small intestine.

Absorption is the process where the separated nutrients is absorbed in the blood.

Assimilation is the process where the absorbed nutrients is utilized by the body tissues and cells

Excretion is the process where the undigested waste is expelled out from the body through the anus.

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Answer: Amino acids.


There were an famous experiment made by two biochemists called Stanley Miller and Harold Urey, in the year of 1953. They made it at the University of Chicago, USA.

In this experiment, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey simulated hypothetical conditions that Earth’s early atmosphere had, in order to test the hypothesis that gases (as the methane, carbon dioxide, ammonia, amonia and water vapor) allowed inorganic chemicals to form organic molecules.

 After one week, these scientis found that organic compounds were formed.

Through this experiment the scientists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey obtained that several amino acids were formed (the most abundant was Glycine).

According to their work, they got 13 of the 22 aminoacids that are used to make proteins in living cells.

What stage in meiosis does crossing over occur?


crossing over occurs during the prophase I of meiosis, where homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange segments, contributing to genetic diversity in offspring.

The stage in meiosis where crossing over occurs is the prophase I. During this phase, the proteins associated with homologous chromosomes bring the pair close to each other, a process called synapsis.

The genes on the chromatids of the homologous chromosomes precisely align with each other, initiating an exchange of chromosome segments between non-sister homologous chromatids.

This exchange is known as crossing over, contributing greatly to genetic variation among organisms.

Following this process, the homologous chromosomes separate and distinct combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes make their way into the gametes.

Learn more about crossing over here:


it occurs during the prophase stage

Celiac disease causes the destruction of the villi cells. Which of the following is most likely to happen to people with celiac disease


They lose the ability to gain nutrients.

Hence, people with celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten.  Gluten is a type of protein found as nutrient in food and is released to the digestive system. When the body receives food that contains gluten (e.g. wheat, rye, and barley) the immune systems responds and attacks the small intestines. In the event of this, the linings of the small intestine called villi are damaged. When the villi get damaged, the body cannot properly absorb nutrients. 

Do chromosomes duplicate before cell division or after?


Chromosomes replicate before cell division.
They duplicate before , I think

Binary fission is the most common form of reproduction in _____.animals

these are the choices but i have no idea what the answer is


The correct answer is protozoa.  

Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction. It is the most general kind of reproduction in prokaryotes, like bacteria. It also takes place in some kind of single-celled Eukaryotes, protozoa, like Paramecium and Amoeba.  

In protists, like protozoa, the binary fission is usually distinguished into types, like longitudinal or transverse, on the basis of the axis of cell separation.

Binary fission is the most common form of reproduction in protozoa. Therefore, the correct answer is option d.

Binary fission is a method of asexual reproduction in which a single-celled organism divides into two identical daughter cells. Here's an explanation of binary fission and its relevance to protozoa:

Single-Celled Organisms: Protozoa are a diverse group of microscopic, single-celled organisms belonging to the domain Eukaryota. They are found in various aquatic and terrestrial environments.

Asexual Reproduction: Many protozoa reproduce asexually through a process known as binary fission. In binary fission:

  • The single-celled protozoan organism, which can be quite complex in structure despite being microscopic, undergoes a series of cellular processes to duplicate its genetic material (usually its nucleus).
  • The cell then divides into two daughter cells, each containing a copy of the genetic material and other cellular structures.
  • These daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cell and can function independently as separate organisms.

Significance for Protozoa: Binary fission is significant for protozoa for several reasons:

  • It is a rapid and efficient method of reproduction, allowing them to increase their population quickly under favorable conditions.
  • It helps protozoa maintain genetic consistency since the daughter cells are essentially clones of the parent cell.
  • Protozoa can adapt to changing environments through binary fission, allowing them to thrive in diverse habitats.

Contrast with Other Organisms: While binary fission is common in protozoa, it differs from the reproductive methods of multicellular organisms such as animals, plants, and fungi:

  • Animals typically reproduce sexually, involving the fusion of gametes from two parents to create genetically diverse offspring.
  • Plants can reproduce both sexually (through seeds) and asexually (through methods like vegetative propagation).
  • Fungi reproduce through a variety of methods, including sexual reproduction involving the fusion of specialized sexual structures.

In summary, binary fission is the primary mode of asexual reproduction observed in protozoa. It allows these single-celled organisms to efficiently replicate themselves and adapt to their environment by producing genetically identical daughter cells. This method is essential for the survival and proliferation of many protozoan species.

Learn more about Binary fission here:


How does gravitational electrical and magnetic forces act on a maglev train


The gravitational force is being felt as the Earth pulls the train downwards using the two forces. The coils that provide the forces releases an electrical current which makes an electromagnetic field. It repels the materials with an equal force that goes up as well.