2.Movement Describe the change in the amount of the land designated as reservation land between 1819 and 1894
2.Movement Describe the change in the amount of the land - 1


Answer 1

Answer: In 1819 Great Plains decreased, then it increased in 1894 and the Indian reservation increased in 1819 and it decreased in 1894


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How did the aztecs use resources in the region?a. the aztecs had advanced techniques that required fewer resources than the olmec and maya
b. trade and tribute gave the aztecs more resources than the olmec and maya
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2. what did the may and the aztec civilization have in common
a. merchants held a lower status than artisans
b. peasant farmers made up the largest social class
c.priest shared the same status as warrior
d. small groups of nobles elected rulers


The correct answer for 1 is
b. trade and tribute gave the Aztecs more resources than the Olmec and Maya

Aztecs were known for having vast marketplaces in their cities where merchants gathered and traded not only food but also things like jewellery or gold or gems. They were known for trading all around them and Spanish people were amazed by it when they discovered it.

The correct answer for 2 is

b. peasant farmers made up the largest social class

Like in most places at the time, there were vast areas of land that were covered in crops and if there was no more land then the forests would be cleansed so that crops could be planted. This was common at the time.

Correct answer choice for question 1 is :

B) Trade and tribute gave the aztecs more resources than the olmec and maya


The Aztecs were recognized for their agriculture, cultivating all available land, advancing irrigation, reducing swamps, and creating unnatural islands in the lakes. They produced a form of hieroglyphic writing, a complicated calendar system, and built splendid monuments and temples.


Correct answer choice for question 2 is :

B) Peasant farmers made up the largest social class


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. How did the newly opened territory of Kansas become a battleground for the issue of slavery?



Two opposing governments were established: those who wanted slavery to be legal in Kansas and those who did not.


In 1854, the U.S. Congress passed The Kansas-Nebraska Act that repealed the Missouri Compromise (1820) that prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30', created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and allowed people in those territories to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery within their borders under the principle of "popular sovereignty."

Soon after the Act was enacted, pro-slavery and anti-slavery whites began to settle Kansas in order to participate in the first election that would determine if Kansas would be a free or a slave state. However, once the first election was held, anti-slavery settlers did not accept the outcome alleging that it had been electoral fraud. Afterward, the anti-slavery people held another election but pro-slavery people refused to vote, and both "governments" created two legislature within the territory. Soon enough, with the establishment of these two opposing governments: pro-slavery and anti-slavery, the newly opened territory of Kansas became a battleground for the issue of slavery: violence, raids, assaults and civil confrontations increased within its borders, the death toll rose, and other elections were called but none of them were accepted.

The fight was based on the fact as to whether or not Slavery should be legal in Kansas. Some said no others yes.