Which one of the following is an indicator that a source may not be accurate?A. You're unable to find any other source that presents the same exact information or point of view.
B. The writing is sub-par or contains errors.
C. The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations.
D. The author is using emotionally charged language and inappropriate words or employing a tone that reveals an obvious bias.


Answer 1
Answer: C -
Here are some indicators that a source may not be accurate:
There is no publication date on the document, preventingthe reader from determining the age of the informationin question.The author makes vague statements and/or uses sweepinggeneralizations instead of offering facts, statistics, orspecific examples. This implies that there are no facts tosupport what the author is saying (or that he or she wastoo lazy to find them) and should immediately cause thereader to become suspicious
Answer 2
Answer: C. The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations.

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Identify the correct sentence A) Eat your vegetable's' and drink lots of water

B) Eat your vegetables' and drink lot's of water

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D) Eat your vegetables and drink lots of water


The correct answer is D. Eat your vegetables and drink lots of water


According to grammar the use of apostrophe (') in English is related to two main cases the first one is contractions for example in "we don't go there" the words "do not" are being contracted and the second case is the use of possessives, this means the apostrophe (') is used to express the possession of something for example "Caroline's dog" expresses Caroline is the owner of the dog. In the case of the sentence "Eat your vegetables and drink lots of water" there are no contractions or use of words to express possession and therefore using the apostrophe (') in this particular sentence would be grammatically incorrect. Thus, the correct sentence is "Eat your vegetables and drink lots of water" because it is the sentence that does not have the apostrophe (') as grammatically this sentence does not require its use.

 D would be the correct sentence


Erika is reading a myth. She wants to learn about the cultural context of the myth-tellers. To do so, she will write a question about each of the four aspects of cultural context. She has written the following question:Which traits were most valued in people?

Which aspect of cultural context does the question address?

A lifestyle
b values
c customs
d setting


The aspect of cultural context which the question addresses is:

b. values

As enumerated above, there are four aspects of cultural context: lifestyle, values, customs, and setting. The scenario presented above describes the values of people who are or idolize myth-tellers. The people's values reflect their beliefs. 


Which sentence contains a misplaced modifier? As Karen arrived, she saw the band on the stage. The band played songs for the crowd with guitars. Karen knew nearly every song the band played. She danced and laughed almost all night long.


the answer is sentence number 2 because the way it is phrased it seems like the crowd has guitars, not the band
The second sentence

Tell me if I'm wrong

What battle plan dose Cassius propose


Brutus is the one that made the plan to meet at Philippi to battle Antony's and octavious' armies. Cassius points out the flaws to this plan but Brutus insists and this plan is the plan that they stuck. Cassius wanted to wait and let the battle come to them. Hope this helped:)

When making observations, you should provide a general description of the subject, rather than going into too much detail true or false?


False, as an observation must be detailed or else some experiments may result differently if a detail from a previous one isn't noted

Unstructured conversations can be assessed formally. a. True
b. False


Answer: true


Unstructured conversations refer to informal, spontaneous dialogues where there is no predetermined format or agenda. These conversations can occur in various settings, such as casual conversations between friends or colleagues.

Formal assessments, on the other hand, are systematic evaluations that follow a predefined structure and criteria. They are typically used in educational or professional contexts to measure knowledge, skills, or performance.

Given the nature of unstructured conversations, it is difficult to assess them formally using traditional evaluation methods. Since there is no predetermined format or criteria, it becomes challenging to objectively measure the quality or effectiveness of such conversations.

Instead, assessments of unstructured conversations are often done informally, relying on qualitative observations, feedback, or self-reflection. For example, after participating in a group discussion, individuals may reflect on their own contribution, the flow of the conversation, and the level of engagement from all participants.

While it may be possible to assess specific aspects of unstructured conversations, such as active listening skills or the ability to express ideas clearly, it is generally more challenging to provide a formal true or false assessment of the overall conversation.

In summary, unstructured conversations are typically not assessed formally using true or false evaluations. Instead, informal assessments, such as self-reflection or qualitative observations, are more commonly used to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of these conversations.


b. False


Unstructured conversations are typically informal and lack a predefined structure. They often involve spontaneous exchanges that may not follow a specific pattern. As a result, assessing unstructured conversations formally can be challenging, as the lack of a predetermined framework makes it difficult to apply standardized evaluation methods.