On a small island, three separate phenotypes of a single species of cherry tree occur- small, medium, and large seeds. A small population of mice is introduced to the island, The mice are the only organisms that eat cherries on the island. When they eat a cherry, they digest it and excrete the pit or seed completely undigested at another location. The mice choose the larger cherries with medium and large seeds and leave the smallest ones uneaten. a. What type of selection, if any, is occurring here? b. Provide support for your answer. c. Graph what the population of cherry trees will look like over time. Make sure to label your axes.


Answer 1
Answer: a. Natural selection is occurring in this scenario.
b. The larger cherries with medium and large seeds are being selectively favored by the mice, as they are the ones being eaten and dispersed to new locations. This leads to an increase in the frequency of the medium and large seed phenotypes in the population over time.
c. Unfortunately, as a text-based AI, I am unable to create visual graphs. However, over time, the population of cherry trees would likely show an increase in the medium and large seed phenotypes, while the small seed phenotype would decrease in frequency. The x-axis could represent time, and the y-axis could represent the proportion or frequency of each seed phenotype in the population.

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Carbon atoms tend to form ________ bonds.A. ionic
B. hydrogen
C. unstable
D. covalent


Carbon atoms tend to form covalent bonds.

Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms, instead of losing or gaining electrons permanently like in ionic bonds.

This sharing provides a mutually stabilizing relationship between atoms, similar to how neighbors share resources.

The simplest organic molecule, methane, exemplifies this process. Carbon fills its valence shell by linking up with four hydrogen atoms, leading to the formation of methane.

This action is achievable via covalent bonds.

Molecules formed by covalent bonding are generally more stable and stronger than those formed via ionic bonding.

The bonds' strength comes as a result of the close sharing of pairs of electrons.

Therefore, it's accurate to say that carbon atoms, in general, tend to form covalent bonds.

Learn more about covalent bonds here:



Carbon atoms tends to form covalent bonds.If it helped please mark as brainliest answer

Which statement summarizes the law of segregation


Answer: The statement which  summarizes the law of segregation is as follows :  

During the process of gamete formation, two different forms of a gene ( also called allele) segregate from one another in a random manner and each gamete thus formed, receives one copy of gene.

This is called the law of segregation. It was proposed by Gregor Mendel.  

For example- The gene for plant height in pea exists in two forms which are T ( dominant allele- represents tall height ) and t ( recessive allele- represents dwarf height ). If a plant is heterozygous ( having different alleles Tt), it will give two different gametes ( T and t ) during gametogenesis.  

These alleles are segregated in accordance with the law of segregation.


Final answer:

The Law of Segregation states that paired genes separate evenly into gametes during meiosis, giving offspring equal chances of inheriting either gene. This observation, derived from experiments with pea plants, is the basis for predicting offspring traits using a Punnett square. The mechanism enforcing this law is the first division of meiosis, though this was not understood during Mendel's lifetime.


The Law of Segregation, proposed by Gregor Mendel, states that paired genes (unit factors) separate or segregate equally into gametes (eggs or sperm) during meiosis. This means that offspring have equal chances of inheriting either gene from their parents. Observations from experiments with true-breeding pea plants led to this law. For instance, the F1 generation expressed the dominant trait while the F2 generation exhibited both dominant and recessive traits in a 3:1 ratio. This segregation of alleles is what allows for accurate predictions of offspring traits using a Punnett square.

Gametes receive one allele from each parent, resulting in three possible combinations for the F2 generation from a monohybrid cross: homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive. Heterozygotes can result from two pathways, receiving one dominant and one recessive allele from either parent, which alongside homozygous dominant individuals, are phenotypically identical, hence supporting Mendel's observed 3:1 phenotypic ratio.

The physical basis of the law of segregation is the first division of meiosis where homologous chromosomes bearing different versions of each gene segregate into daughter nuclei. This underlining mechanism, however, was not understood by the scientific community during Mendel's lifetime.

Learn more about Law of Segregation here:
