how did the trials and successes of jamestown manifest the core values of freedom, individualism, equality, and growth?


Answer 1

Answer: free +5

Explanation: easy

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IF a specific economy has extra capital resources available, it will


Since you provide no options, a couple of things that a specific economy would do if it has extra capital resources available is :

- Increase it's overall productions
Since it got more capital, they're able to buy more materials and pay more workers 


- Make an investment. 
By using that capital to buy an asset

If a specific economy has surplus capital resources, it can invest in infrastructure, education, research, reduce debt, lower taxes, or enhance social services based on economic priorities and public needs.

When a specific economy finds itself with extra capital resources, it can make strategic choices to promote growth and development. Investing in infrastructure, such as transportation and energy networks, can stimulate economic activity and job creation. Allocating resources to education and training programs can enhance the skills of the workforce, making the economy more competitive. Funds for research and development can spur innovation and technological advancement. Reducing government debt or budgetdeficits can stabilize the economy and ensure fiscal responsibility.

Lowering taxes may encourage consumer spending and business investments. Alternatively, directing resources toward improving social services like healthcare, housing, and welfare can enhance citizens' well-being and quality of life, fostering social and economic development. The specific choice depends on the economy's goals and the needs of its population.

Learn more about economy here:


The French Directory was overthrown in 1799 by a military officer named


Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the French Directorie (the French government) in 1799; he had been active in the French Revolution and its associated wars. Calling himself Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814, and again in 1815.

Why might the space race have exacerbated tensions between the Superpowers?



Possibility of weaponry usage or storage.


The Soviet union and United states during that period was around cold war period so both nations would want to get there before each other to have bragging rights and to also have advantages if so needed be if a war broke out.

How did the slave masters make sure the slaves worked hard?


The masters make the slaves a lot of work, and would beat them if they didn’t work hard enough. The masters would always treat them badly and would make them work in the very morning basically, never give them enough sleep. If they were lucky they would get food but most of the time they wouldn’t. They could be separated from their families and would always have to ask their master for almost everything. They would make them work in salt like step in salt. They would have cuts and that would hurt their feet and make it like, sting kind of feeling. Overall, it’s pretty tough to live through that, and if they tried leaving from their masters they would of either escaped or would’ve been brung back and beat.

Which one of the following best illustrates impressment? A.Britain occupied forts along the northwestern boundary of the United States.
B.Britain took over the fur trade from the colonists.
C.Britain seized American sailors for service in the Royal Navy.


The correct answer is C.Britain seized American sailors for service in the Royal Navy.

Forcing men into service was a common English practice that dated back to medieval times. It was one the causes for the War of 1812 because most Americans were angered by the impressment of American sailors into the Royal Navy

Which one of the following best illustrates impressment?

Britain seized American sailors for service in the Royal Navy.

What accomplishment is Sequoya known for?Select the best answer from the choices provided.
A. negotiating a treaty that allowed the Cherokee to keep their land
B. founding the first Cherokee-language Christian church
C. filing a lawsuit on behalf of the Cherokee to keep their land
D. developing a system of writing the Cherokee language


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "A. negotiating a treaty that allowed the Cherokee to keep their land" The accomplishment that is Sequoya known for is that negotiating a treaty that allowed the Cherokee to keep their land


the answer would be A


sorry I'm a bit late