Iron is absored in the body but not excreted (except for sloughing of the skin, women's menstruation). What are the 5 steps involved in the biochemistry of Iron Absorption to its Intracellular Storage?


Answer 1


Iron absorption and intracellular storage involve several steps:

1. Iron uptake: In the duodenum, iron is absorbed by enterocytes through specific transporters, such as DMT1 (divalent metal transporter 1).

2. Iron transport: Once inside enterocytes, iron binds to the protein ferritin, which helps to store and transport iron within the cell.

3. Iron release: When needed, iron is released from ferritin and exported out of the enterocytes into the bloodstream through the protein ferroportin.

4. Iron binding: In the bloodstream, iron binds to the protein transferrin, which transports iron to various tissues and cells throughout the body.

5. Intracellular storage: Inside cells, iron is stored and utilized in the form of ferritin, which acts as a reservoir for iron when it is needed for various cellular processes.

These steps ensure that iron is absorbed, transported, and stored efficiently in the body for its essential functions.

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B. The enthalpy of the reaction doubles.

C. The sign of the enthalpy of the reaction reverses.

D. The enthalpy of the reaction is halved.


Answer:   C. The sign of the enthalpy of the reaction reverses.

Explanation: Enthalpy of a reaction is the net heat absorbed or released  during a chemical reaction.It is represented by \Delta H. It is negative for exothermic reactions in which heat is released and is positive for endothermic reactions in which heat is absorbed.

When a chemical reaction is reversed the heat of the reaction changes its sign.

CaCO_3\rightarrow CaO+CO_2   \Delta H=+ve

The decomposition of calcium carbonate is an endothermic reaction as heat is required to break the bonds and thus energy is absorbed.

CaO+CO_2\rightarrow CaCO_3    \Delta H=-ve

When the reaction is reversed, the reaction becomes exothermic as now bonds are getting formed and energy is released.

in a chemical reaction is reversed, the one that happens to the enthalpy of the reaction is : C. The sign of the enthalpy of the reaction reverses

It's one of Hess' Law : reversing an equation means reversing the sign of entalphy value

Hope this helps

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d. A wool sweater.
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The answer is D. the cells must be specialized.


A multicellular organism is one that is constituted by two or more cells which arise from a single cell which multiplies generating an organism. The cells of multicellular organisms aredifferentiated to perform specialized functions and reproduce by mitosis and meiosis.Cellular specialization includes the division of biochemical functions, the specialization of cells for contact with the environment and the separation between somatic cell and germ cell.

D. the cells must be speacialised

The faction of Islam controlled the Ottoman Empire and the faction controlled the Safavid Dynasty.


The Safavid Ottoman war occurred in 1532-1555 and was caused by the territorial dispute of the Ottoman Emperor Suleyman the Magnificent and the Persian Safavid Empire during the reign of Tahmasp I who ordered to kill the governor of Baghdad that was a sympathizer of Soliman.

The attacks were made in three campaigns:
1. Campaign of the Two Iraqs 1532-1534 where the Ottomans successfully attacked the Safavid Iraq.2. Campaign from 1548 to 1549 where an alliance between King Franco and Soliman I was made to conquer Armenia.
3. Campaign 1553-1555, in this campaign against the Shah he lost and recovered Erzum, and kept Baghdad and Lower Mesopotamia.

Suleyman the Magnificient is who expanded the ottoman empire into the Middle East. He also moves further into Europe and besieged Vienna in 1529. Develops Navy and drives Ottoman Empire at the peak of its power.

Safavid Dynasty was originally a Turkic nomadic group; family originated in Surfi mystic group; espoused Shi’ism; conquered territory and established kingdom.

I hope this helps, Regards.

Which most likely describes a supersaturated solution? A. a hot solution with all of the solute dissolved
B. a cold solution with all of the solute dissolved
C. a hot solution with most of the solute resting on the bottom
D. a cold solution with some solute resting on the bottom


Answer is A. a hot solution with all of the solute dissolved.

A solution is a homogeneous mixture in which solute is dissolved in solvent. Solution may be unsaturated, saturated and supersaturated. Saturated solution is the solution in which solvent is not able to dissolve more solute at normal temperature.  But if you heat the saturated solution up to 80⁰C, the same solution able to dissolve more solutes making the solution supersaturated. Thus, a supersaturated solution is a solution that contains more solute than what the solvent can normally dissolve.

a. because when the solution is hot it is easier to dissolve the solute, and thus more solute can be dissolved in the same amount of solvent